Release notes for Bellini v1.1.0
Bellini v1.1.0 was released on January 13, 2021. This version covers the following issues:
- BLN-550 - Support importing published and in preview apps
- BLN-552 - Show property type in bindings mapper
- BLN-553 - Support adding a description to declarations and bindings
- BLN-562 - Support adding documentation to your own components
- BLN-580 - Support DnD of declared function to hook to an event
- BLN-642 - Rename "Components" folder to "My Components"
- BLN-652 - Improve error message for wrong username/password on login
- BLN-664 - Allow horizontal scroll on navigator component
- BLN-538 - Add tooltips to properties
- BLN-539 - Improve properties naming
- BLN-540 - Compile a list of tips
- BLN-541 - Use title case for modal/dialog title
- BLN-559 - Make sure all dialogs can be canceled and finished via key shortcut
- BLN-564 - Improve chip list behavior in dialogs
- BLN-565 - Disabling selection in the canvas should not disable it in the layout tree
- BLN-583 - Add documentation to core services
- BLN-603 - Use fuzzy search and relevance sorting for content assist
- BLN-634 - Simplify the Components tab add a dropdown menu
- BLN-635 - Add support for async functions
- BLN-636 - Merge HTML and Text property into one
- BLN-639 - Change declarations reload/rerender button to a dropdown menu
- BLN-643 - DnD API in the declaration to inject it
- BLN-655 - Fix API Operations Tooltip parameters
- BLN-672 - Add $scope service to the content assist
- BLN-560 - Cancelling a dialog with escape key in properties tab unselects the element
- BLN-640 - Closing with unsaved changes doesn't revert the changes back
- BLN-641 - Cannot update the App's stylesheet
- BLN-653 - Cannot open more than one core component
- BLN-661 - Bellini got frozen after setting $ctrl as a value of a declared property
- BLN-663 - Incorrect API operation parameter names
- BLN-665 - Bindings mapper displaying as well for normal elements on the layout tree
- BLN-667 - Core component identifier icon appeared on app pages
- BLN-669 - Child context menu item sometimes overflows its parent
- BLN-671 - Switching tab issue
- BLN-674 - Declaration item that has been moved displays an undefined location
- BLN-676 - No Src attribute for the iframe element available
- BLN-677 - Cannot Edit Binding
- BLN-679 - Binding name with a special character breaks the app
- BLN-681 - Cannot reset page parameters property
- BLN-682 - Cannot load core component asset
- BLN-683 - undefined text in info popup of content assist
- BLN-684 - "Create a Simple App" tour get stuck
- BLN-685 - Incorrect snippet inserted for angular services
- BLN-688 - Incorrect typescript types for notification manager