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XA transactions

XA is a two-phase commit protocol that is natively supported by many databases and transaction monitors. XA transactions allow multiple resources (such as other databases or JMS systems) to coordinate in a single global transaction. This ensures data credibility as updates are committed or rolled-back across all resources.

Some drivers don't natively support XA

For the drivers that don't support XA natively, Martini emulates XA via implementing last resource commit optimization; but such a strategy has limitations – it is not possible to have more than one emulation of an XA datasource in a single XA transaction.

Managing XA transactions

Before handling XA transactions, ensure that your database connection has the "Use XA" property enabled.

Starting XA transactions

To mark the start of the transaction, call SqlMethods.startTransaction(boolean, int).

GloopExecutionContext parameters

Although the method requires a GloopExecutionContext parameter, it's not shown in the UI as it's automatically mapped and generally used internally.

Parameter Default Description
autoCommit false Whether to automtically commit after the service has finished or not, even if an exception was thrown.
timeout 60 Amount of time to wait before timing out the transaction (in seconds).

Starting an XA transaction in Gloop

First you must create a TransactionFacade object first and then invoke its start() method. To create said object, you may use the Transactions class's create* methods.

def transaction = Transactions.create(name, propagationBehavior, timeout)

Committing XA transactions

To manually commit a transaction, call SqlMethods.commitTransaction(). This will commit the current transaction.

Committing an XA transaction in Gloop

As for committing an XA Transaction in Groovy, simply call on the TransactionFacade object's commit() method.


Rolling back XA transactions

As for rolling back, simply call SqlMethods.rollbackTransaction(). This will rollback the current transaction.

Rolling back an XA transaction in Gloop

To rollback an XA transaction in Groovy, simply call the rollback() method of the TransactionFacade object.


Database transactions in Gloop

The examples package includes Gloop Services that perform transactions in the code/databaseTransaction directory.