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Release notes for Martini Online v1.1.0

Martini Online v1.1.0 was released on December 12, 2019. This version covers the following issues:


  • MO-2443 - Implement validation issue navigator for RestApiEditor
  • MO-2507 - On browser refresh, only open the file of active tab instead of all files in the tabs to lessen requests
  • MO-2578 - Add support for importing a .report
  • MO-2726 - Implement help
  • MO-2745 - Add help context for gloop
  • MO-2749 - Add help context for flux
  • MO-2767 - Add help context for rest api and soap api
  • MO-2768 - Add help context for mongodb service, sql service, cassandra service
  • MO-2776 - Add help context for configure loggers
  • MO-2777 - Add help context for configure document types dialog
  • MO-2779 - Add help context for users and groups manager
  • MO-2780 - Add help context for database connection, package, endpoint, service manager, tracker
  • MO-2782 - Add help context for martini logs editor
  • MO-2791 - Add help context for throttling and monitoring rule manager
  • MO-2809 - Add help contexts for Gloop template
  • MO-2859 - Implement validation issue navigator for GloopServiceEditor
  • MO-3072 - Add url checker for related topics in help system


  • MO-2027 - Add validations for invalid objects in rest api editor
  • MO-2318 - Improve response wizard in rest api editor
  • MO-2323 - Add support for random data in mock data
  • MO-2612 - Improve error message when opening a file in code search which does not exist anymore
  • MO-2833 - Ability to navigate through proposal categories via Ctrl + Space shortcut
  • MO-2840 - Enable remove selection from multiple selected files
  • MO-2852 - Improve property view list
  • MO-2871 - Make row of buttons responsive
  • MO-2872 - Display newly opened file editor tab in view
  • MO-2874 - Improve delete modal for multiple items
  • MO-2875 - Improve move modal for multiple items
  • MO-2898 - Improve parameter wizard in rest api editor
  • MO-2910 - Improve tour instructions to be cards near the highlighted area instead of at the top
  • MO-2918 - Reapply notify unsaved modal
  • MO-2919 - Reapply notify file changed modal
  • MO-2920 - Reapply file manager tabs context menu
  • MO-2921 - Reapply linking from navigator
  • MO-2923 - Sync debugger with new file view manager
  • MO-2928 - Add generic text editor for unknown file types
  • MO-2936 - Improve gloop breakpoints to be dependent on line number instead of step
  • MO-2942 - Display an error notification and in the UI when file view tab did not get the content of the file
  • MO-2956 - Replace Download Logs downloaded file name prefix 'integrate' with 'martini'
  • MO-2961 - Use a single websocket subscription for the whole app
  • MO-2962 - Update component bindings to use a specific properties from main controller
  • MO-2965 - Improve the responsiveness of editors
  • MO-2968 - Add Gloop template tip category
  • MO-2986 - Hard to differentiate whether the "Link with Editor" is active or not.
  • MO-2989 - Allow deletion of lib, resources, and web folders
  • MO-3003 - Remove the use of filesViews in wizards
  • MO-3004 - Remove the use of filesViews in keyboard shortcuts
  • MO-3005 - Remove the use of filesViews in open files utility
  • MO-3006 - Remove the use of filesViews in main controller requests
  • MO-3007 - Remove the us of filesViews in gloop refactoring
  • MO-3012 - Enable conditional compilation for demo version build
  • MO-3015 - Add confirmation when clicking close in guided tour pop up
  • MO-3016 - Switch the placement of negative and positive buttons in pop up
  • MO-3023 - Update link with editor and collapse all icon in navigator
  • MO-3024 - Include contextual help in user interface tour
  • MO-3043 - Add max-width and min-width on Navigator wrapper
  • MO-3053 - Capitalize auto refresh label
  • MO-3073 - Rename context menu label for new (code) package to Code Directory
  • MO-3116 - Set the maximum allowed iframe tabs inside file view manager


  • MO-2238 - REST API Editor operations page collapses after you save
  • MO-2885 - UI broken by bootstrap update
  • MO-2889 - Deleting a step also deletes the breakpoint
  • MO-2911 - Broken angular components
  • MO-2913 - API Explorer opened with wrong url
  • MO-2915 - Opening of text file failing because of wrong request url
  • MO-2937 - File view manager bug
  • MO-2945 - Cannot open newly created file in navigator
  • MO-2947 - Gloop object arrays should be marked with
  • MO-2953 - Typo on report builder
  • MO-2954 - Tooltip options not working on report builder
  • MO-2959 - Open declaration on core methods not working
  • MO-2963 - Navigator tooltips not showing
  • MO-2964 - Codebox editor dirty state not triggered
  • MO-2966 - Toggling breakpoint in gloop editor not working when using context menu
  • MO-2967 - Soap api editor's duplicate operations
  • MO-2969 - Cant select flux transition unless a flux state is moved
  • MO-2971 - Report builder always on dirty state
  • MO-2972 - Navigating down on gloop properties throws errors on last child
  • MO-2973 - Open declaration only highlights item in the navigator
  • MO-2974 - Open file from search not working
  • MO-2975 - Renaming report bug
  • MO-2976 - Tooltips with content gets removed when you hover on them
  • MO-2977 - Guided tour pop up blocks element to click
  • MO-2978 - Text from tabs in debugger perspective not displaying properly
  • MO-2982 - Report builder broadcast functions called multiple times when editing two or more reports
  • MO-2985 - "No properties to show." text in properties view not aligned correctly
  • MO-2987 - Reveal in tree view not working for normal files
  • MO-2988 - Unable to create sub folder in queries folder on core package
  • MO-2990 - Header cannot be customized after exporting then importing report
  • MO-2991 - Link with Editor not working on several types of files
  • MO-2992 - Opening an endpoint from search has broken icon in file view manager
  • MO-2993 - Clicking on empty mapper canvas breaks ui
  • MO-2994 - Flux canvas has no scroll
  • MO-2996 - Invalid file name error in invoke gloop code generator
  • MO-2997 - Referenced files do not show up when moving/renaming a Groovy file under a directory
  • MO-3009 - Unloaded variable is displayed in next step
  • MO-3014 - Gloop step's tooltip text overflowing
  • MO-3017 - Groovy tour step 2 breaks
  • MO-3018 - File not found error during tour but the tour is still waiting for content
  • MO-3025 - Tooltips in navigator not displaying properly
  • MO-3027 - Related topics in navigator not updating when changing selected item using keyboard
  • MO-3028 - Exposing a Gloop Service as an endpoint does not get referenced after endpoint creation.
  • MO-3029 - Gloop template result from content assist not added in steps
  • MO-3030 - Preview of .xml file is not showing on design tab
  • MO-3031 - Package action does not reflect on UI
  • MO-3033 - Clicking the expand button on Input/Output view is not working
  • MO-3034 - Set inputs when running a service on generated service from WSDL throws an error
  • MO-3036 - Testing default url on hypersonic database connections throws errors on MO
  • MO-3037 - Url on set inputs overlaps on modal
  • MO-3038 - Output half of Mapper is unresponsive
  • MO-3040 - Success for copy-paste file operation appears, but file is not copied
  • MO-3042 - Find reference expand button for result does not work
  • MO-3044 - Images in File View Manager Tabs not showing in RC version
  • MO-3045 - Search in Knowledge Base and Community Q&A not working on RC version
  • MO-3046 - Mapping multiple properties does not work for invoke steps
  • MO-3047 - Mapping from the output container does not show validation errors
  • MO-3048 - Unhandled rejection thrown when closing modals
  • MO-3049 - Incorrect path for report builder preview assets
  • MO-3051 - Editors display view size is too small on load
  • MO-3052 - Unable to run/debug gloop templates
  • MO-3054 - Failed to get report builder file should display error
  • MO-3055 - Find reference result is too small and shouldn't be at the center
  • MO-3056 - Copy namespace navigator context menu should not be in package type
  • MO-3058 - Gloop models do not expand in the mapper view in rc-esb
  • MO-3059 - No tracker states shown in rc-esb
  • MO-3060 - Duplicating breakpoint list item when running debug
  • MO-3061 - Directly sending JMS to a JMS listener endpoint does not auto-assign queue or topic
  • MO-3062 - Can't create martini endpoint after creating martini package
  • MO-3063 - Icon on output property for string is not showing
  • MO-3064 - Unable to render charts with sample inputs report builder
  • MO-3066 - Flux states hidden when changing perspective
  • MO-3067 - Editor breakpoints and debugger breakpoint list not sync
  • MO-3068 - Unable to double click on rest operation value service when there's no selected service.
  • MO-3070 - Rest api tooltips sometimes not closing
  • MO-3071 - Edit expression on map step should not display modal when there are no properties
  • MO-3074 - Child models are still validated even if their parent model is nullable
  • MO-3075 - Opening of media file not working
  • MO-3077 - Changing active file should reset mapper
  • MO-3080 - Additional 'readOnly' property being added to REST API source
  • MO-3082 - Unable to view console logs
  • MO-3083 - Javadoc tags are not displayed properly
  • MO-3089 - $tagContent property shows up in the set expression editor
  • MO-3091 - No background when previewing Gloop templates
  • MO-3092 - Running a Gloop template without input opens a new tab
  • MO-3093 - Services are always validated
  • MO-3100 - Stand alone report builder stuck at loading
  • MO-3101 - Tag step mapper output should only include $tagContent and attributes
  • MO-3102 - Guided tour highlights incorrect context menu item to create file
  • MO-3103 - Breakpoints input resets when moving to another tab
  • MO-3104 - Reveal in tree view context menu should be disabled for welcome page, tracker, text search and martini console
  • MO-3105 - Debugger perspective sets a color #00fbff for elements with "name" class
  • MO-3106 - Groovy files are being added in debug view list in debug perspective
  • MO-3107 - Polling services for service manager gets called multiple times per second
  • MO-3109 - Report Builder chart preview template is not displaying on production build
  • MO-3110 - Run/debug menubar buttons should only be enabled for gloop/flux/gtpl files
  • MO-3111 - Link with editor button does not locate the file if all package is uncollapse
  • MO-3113 - Help System related topics not updating on Navigator and Properties Panel
  • MO-3114 - Active file name not showing on the IO tab
  • MO-3115 - Can't open API Explorer from REST API editor
  • MO-3118 - Unable to set API endpoint parameter name
  • MO-3121 - Report builder's iframe becomes empty when switching perspective.
  • MO-3122 - Dragging files on rest operation values breaks the rest operation
  • MO-3123 - Input/Output UI not visible after creating a service
  • MO-3124 - Add parameter shortcut not working
  • MO-3125 - Unable to expand model properties in mapper and in run
  • MO-3126 - Link the active REST API Editor to the API Explorer is not working


  • MO-2538 - Implement find references in Rest API Editor
  • MO-2775 - Update angular and bootstrap versions
  • MO-2873 - Organize data.js modal into separate modals
  • MO-2904 - Use 'OK' instead of 'Invoke' as button label for the Select Invocable Service dialog
  • MO-2926 - Organize component file and folders
  • MO-2955 - Call internal JS method when user presses save shortcut in Report Builder
  • MO-2980 - Change favicon
  • MO-2995 - Put back groovy tour step 2
  • MO-3090 - Remove new > file context menu
  • MO-3108 - Move Expose as Endpoint menu item