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Quick start tutorial: Creating a report

Estimated time to complete: 4-6 minutes

Reports are useful for visualizing statistical data. Through Martini's Report Builder, you can easily generate reports from JSON, RESTful web service responses, and data from a search index.

This tutorial page will explore how you can create a chart for a report using data logged by Tracker. The report created on this tutorial page will display how many times an endpoint has been used to invoke a service in a table.

The Tracker search index must have records

The chart in this tutorial uses data from Tracker. If there are no records existing in Tracker, there will be no data rendered in the chart. You can learn how to log data to Tracker through this tutorial.

Create the report

To create a report:

Creating a report

Creating a report

  1. Right-click the Reports node of the instance where the report will reside. From the appearing context menu, select New > Martini Report. This will launch the report wizard.
  2. Populate the required fields displayed by the wizard.
  3. Click Finish.

Organize the report's layout

In reports, you use rows and columns to organize the layout of a report page. Report Builder's grid system takes after Bootstrap 3's grid system.

To add a row or column, hover over the desired parent element, and click the '+' button. When adding a column, you will be asked to provide the number of units the column will span. A column can span from 1 to 12 units.

Adding a column to a row

Adding a column to a row

Create the chart

Once the report's layout has been arranged, you can now add a chart in place. To do this:

Creating a chart from Tracker data

  1. Hover over the desired parent element, and then click the chart button. The chart wizard will appear.
  2. Select the chart's data source using the Data Series tab.

    1. Select the type of data source. For this tutorial, select Search Index > Tracker.

      Data source types

      Charts can come from a variety of data sources including: JSON data, JSON arrays, RESTful web service responses, Tracker data, and invoke monitor data.

    2. Provide the properties the chart will render. For this tutorial, choose documentTypeName for the Facet List field, and then set Facets Limit to 10.

  3. Set the name and type of the chart using the Chart Settings tab.

  4. (Optional) Further customize the appearance of the chart using the Customisation tab.
  5. Click Generate Report.

View the report

Save your changes by pressing (or by pressing the save button in the main toolbar). Right-click on the report in the Navigator and then select Open in Browser to view the generated HTML document for your report in a browser.

As an alternative, you can also preview your report while still in Report Builder. To do this, open your report, and then select the Preview tab if you're using Martini Desktop; or click the preview button on the toolbar if you're using Martini Online.

Previewing a report

Previewing a report