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Martini package metadata

Martini packages were designed to be customizable in order to suit any organization's application needs. A package has 'meta-fields' that help identify, document, and configure the package's behavior during runtime.


  • Name

    This is used to identify a package within an instance. It must be unique (within the instance) and is required. Only alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores are allowed. This property cannot be changed once set.

    Rules and conventions for package names

    Aside from character restrictions, there are certain terms which cannot be used to name a package. Learn more about naming packages here.

  • Marketplace ID

    It's possible to upload a package to the TORO Marketplace to make it publicly available. The TORO Marketplace is Martini's official platform for sharing applications, API specifications, individual services, and more. This key will be used to uniquely identify the package there.

  • Version

    This is used to identify your package from its other variants.

  • Documentation Page

    The URL of the documentation page of a package.

  • Dependencies

    The packages that are required for a package to run. A package cannot move to the LOADED state when its dependencies are not present.

    During runtime, services and properties belonging to specified dependencies will be accessible to the dependent package. To be specific, they are accessible when a package is in the LOADED state. Modifications on dependencies will not be captured by a dependent package unless a reload occurs.

    The Required State On Start property can be configured in order to specify the bare minimum state a package should have for a dependent package to be able to start.

    Dependencies can be versioned. Martini supports Apache Maven's dependency version requirement syntax. A dependency whose version pattern is [1.0,2.0] will force Martini to look for the dependency with a version that is between 1.0 and 2.0 (inclusive).

    Cyclic dependencies are not allowed.

  • State on startup

    The default state a package should be in during the instance startup.

  • Startup Services

    The services that are called when a package is started.

  • Shutdown Services

    The services that are called when a package is stopped.

  • Spring Context Files

    XML schema-based Spring configuration files.


The majority of these meta-fields can be configured via the Package configuration editor, using the following steps:

  1. Stop the Martini package you want to configure if it has not been stopped yet.
  2. In the Navigator view, right click on said Martini package and click Configure from the context menu. This will launch the Package configuration editor.
  3. Edit properties as you wish.
  4. Save your changes by pressing (Martini Desktop) or clicking the Save button (Martini Online).

Configuring a Martini package

Configuring a Martini package

Specify startup and shutdown services by dragging and dropping

You can drag and drop services from the Navigator view to the Startup Services or Shutdown Services table. Only valid startup or shutdown services will be added by Martini; that is, services without required inputs or whose only input is event.

Setting startup and shutdown services via dragging and dropping

Setting startup and shutdown services via dragging and dropping