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Sending HTTP requests


Once you're satisfied with your request's configuration, you may send your request to the server by pressing the Send button. The Send button is located at the left side of the URL text box.

Sending HTTP requests using the HTTP Client

Normally, the server's response will soon appear in the Response panel.

HTTP response

The response is the server's answer to your request. An HTTP response contains a status code, a status message, headers, and optionally, cookies and a body. The HTTP Client displays all of this data in the Response panel.

HTTP Client, Request panel

Additionally, the HTTP Client also displays the time it took to execute the request and the size of the response. If you hover over the duration or size of the request, more information will appear.

In the Response panel's Body tab, you have the option to preview or download the response, as well as set the response's content type so that the text area renders it with proper syntax highlighting.

Response body previews

If the response body is raw text data (e.g. JSON, XML), the HTTP client will display it in the interface, but only up to 3 MB of text. The remaining bytes are flushed to a file and will be available for download with the complete content. Meanwhile, if the response body contains binary content, specifically if it's a PNG, JPEG or GIF under 3 MB, then the HTTP Client will also have it displayed; otherwise, it will have to be viewed through a download.