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Data models from the core package

Martini ships with a variety of built-in Data models. These models can be found under models directory of the core package. You'll typically see them used as the inputs and outputs of built-in functions. But aside from this, you can use these models in your own services, models, or APIs too. Below is a list of Martini's built-in models, categorized by package:


Located under io.toro.martini.alert, these models are used in alert messaging. References can be found in the JmsMethods class, where there are methods for working with alerts.

Model name Description
Alert Represents an alert message


Located under io.toro.martini.api, these models can be used by services exposed via a REST API.

Model name Description
APIException Represents an exception from an API
APILogMessage Represents a log message from an API
APIResponse Represents a response from an API


Located under, these models are used by functions from EmailMethods to represent email components.

Model name Description
Address Represents an Internet email address
DataSource Represents a source of data for an email. This is mostly used for attachments
Header Represents a header for an email
MailMetadata Represents the data stored in an email that describes the email
Message Represents an email message


Located under io.toro.martini.flux, these models are typically encountered when working with Flux services such as functions from FluxMethods.

Model name Description
FluxContext Represents an execution of a Flux service
FluxRuntimeException Represents an error that occurred during an execution of a Flux service
FluxStackTraceElement Represents a trace of execution of a Flux state or transition
FluxStateContext Represents an execution of a Flux state


Located under io.toro.martini.http, these models are used when working with HTTP-related services. Functions from Http for example, make use of them.

Model name Description
Auth Represents different types of authentication protocols
Config Represents an HTTP client configuration
Cookie Represents an HTTP cookie
Header Represents an HTTP header
MultipartFile Represents an uploaded file received or to be sent in a multipart request
Request Represents an HTTP request
Response Represents an HTTP response
Soap11Fault Represents a SOAP 1.1 fault which is used to carry error and/or status information within a SOAP message
Soap12Fault Represents a SOAP 1.2 fault which is used to carry error information within a SOAP message
SoapResponse Represents a SOAP response


Located under io.toro.martini.jabber, these models are used in XMPP messaging via Jabber.

Model name Description
Chat Represents a series of messages sent between two users
Extension Represents an extension element
Message Represents XMPP message packets
XMPPError Represents an XMPP error sub-packet


Located under io.toro.martini.jdbc, these models are used when working with relational database connections.

Model name Description
JDBCConnectionPoolInfo Represents a JDBC database connection


Located under io.toro.martini.jms, these models can be used when communicating via JMS; typically through functions from Jms.

Model name Description
BytesMessage A JMS message model that represents a message containing a stream of uninterpreted bytes
MapMessage A JMS message model that represents a message with set of name-value pairs
Message A root model that represents a JMS message
ObjectMessage A JMS message model that represents a message with a serializable object in the Java programming language
TextMessage A JMS message model that represents a message that contains plain text


Located under io.toro.martini.kafka, these models can be used when working with Kafka.

Model name Description
Header Represents a Kafka header
Headers Represents a collection of Kafka headers
Message Represents a Kafka message
Messages Represents a collection of Kafka messages
TimestampType Represents a timestamp type of a Kafka message/record


Located under io.toro.martini.mongodb, these models can be used when working with MongoDB databases; typically done through functions from MongoDb.

Model name Description
Collection Represents a MongoDB collection
Database Represents a MongoDB database


Located under io.toro.martini.monitor, these models are used when working with monitor rules and invoke documents; typically through functions from Monitor.

Model name Description
Document Represents a monitor logging document
EndpointInvokeDocument Represents a monitor logging document from an endpoint
EndpointInvokeDocumentQuery Represents a query for endpoint invoke documents
FilterRuleMetadata Represents the metadata of a monitor filter rule
HttpInvokeDocument Represents a monitor logging document from an HTTP call
HttpInvokeDocumentQuery Represents a query for HTTP invoke documents
InvokeDocument Represents an invocation log
InvokeDocumentQuery Represents a query for invoke documents
MonetizationBill Represents a billing detail
MonitorRuleMetadata Represents the metadata of a monitor rule
SearchResult Represents a monitor search result
Term Represents a monitor term used for querying


Located under io.toro.martini.package, these models are used when working with Martini packages and Martini endpoints; typically through functions from Martini.

Model name Description
Endpoint Represents a Martini endpoint
JMSDestination Represents a JMS destination
Package Represents a Martini package
PackageDependency Represents a Martini package dependency
PackageDescriptor Describes a Martini package
SolrCore Represents a Solr core


Located under io.toro.martini.rss, these models are used when working with RSS services; typically through functions from Rss.

Model name Description
Content Represents RSS content
Element Represents an XML element for RSS context
Enclosure Represents an RSS enclosure
Entry Represents an RSS entry
Feed Represents an RSS feed
Person Represents a person in an RSS feed


Located under io.toro.martini.solr, these models are used when working with Solr; typically through functions from Solr.

Model name Description
FacetField Model used for field-value faceting in Solr
FacetPivot A pivot facet used for Solr to return facet counts across sets of fields
FacetRange Model used for range faceting in Solr
FieldModifier Allows updating a specific field of a Solr document
FieldStatsInfo Simple statistics for numeric, string, and date fields within a Solr document
PivotField Field used for pivot faceting in Solr
QueryResponse A response from a Solr query
ResponseHeader A header of a Solr response
UpdateResponse A response from a Solr update request


Located under io.toro.martini.throttling, these models are used when managing throttling rules; typically through functions from Throttling.

Model name Description
InvocationRule Represents an invocation rule
ThrottlingRuleMetadata Represents a metadata of a throttling rule


Located under io.toro.martini.tracker, these models are used for managing Tracker documents; typically encountered when using functions from Tracker.

Model name Description
Document An aggregate of tracking data for a particular invocation
DocumentLog An arbitrary log message for a Tracker document
DocumentProperty An arbitrary property for a Tracker document
DocumentState An arbitrary state for a Tracker document
DocumentStateContent The actual payload held by a Tracker document state
DocumentType An arbitrary type used for differentiating Tracker documents
SearchResult A value object for representing Tracker search results
SearchResultDocument A value object for representing a single Tracker document within a Solr search result
Trackable An object that can be tracked


Located under io.toro.martini.user, these models are typically encountered when configuring authorization properties.

Model name Description
AccessToken Represents a token to access a resource
Credentials Represents credentials for different types of authentication
User Represents a Martini user


Located under io.toro.martini.vfs, these models are used when working with virtual file systems; typically through functions from Vfs.

Model name Description
VfsContent Represents the data content of a file on a virtual file system
VfsFile Represents a file on a virtual file system; used to access the content and structure of the file
VfsFileSystemOptions Represents options or configurations for virtual file systems
VfsName Represents the file name of a VFS file