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Flat file services

Flat file services are used to define how a particular flat file (whether it's delimited, has fixed width columns, or is an Excel spreadsheet) is structured. They, in turn, are used by Gloop to determine how data should be parsed (read) from or serialized (written).

Once a flat file service is configured and saved, Martini will generate a Data model and a service. The model will contain the properties specified in the service1 while the service can be used to easily open your data, ready for Gloop to process. The generated service returns a Gloop cursor model array, which is then used to read or write the flat file data.

Creating a flat file service

To create a flat file service:

Creating a flat file service

Creating a flat file service

  1. Right click anywhere under a package's code folder and then select New > Flat File Service. Note that the folder you right-clicked on will be the default location of your to-be-created flat file service.
  2. In the appearing wizard, populate the following fields:

    • Location

      Where the flat file service will be stored. By default this will be populated with the location that was right-clicked on.

    • Name

      The name of the descriptor.

    • Type

      Specifies how fields in the flat file are identified. There are three options:

      • Delimited

        Choose this for flat files whose fields are delimited by specific characters (alternatively called separators). CSV and tab-delimited files are some examples:

      • Fixed Width

        Choose this for flat files which make use of fixed column widths to identify individual fields. If a value can't occupy the entire column, it is typically padded with spaces. For example:

        James     Smith
        Thomas    Miller
        Sarah     Clark
        Elizabeth Taylor
      • Spreadsheet (Excel)

        Choose this for Excel spreadsheets that are in .xls or .xlsx format. For example: Excel spreadhsheet screenshot

  3. If the chosen Type is Excel and you have a file you wish to generate the flat file service from, click Next. Otherwise click Finish.

  4. If you're on the Excel-specific screen in the create flat file wizard, choose an Excel file, and choose the sheet and first data rows. This will use the spreadsheet to create the flat file service for you.

Working with the flat file service editor

The editor has three tabs namely: Design, Preview, and Source.

Design tab

The Design tab is where you define the structure of the flat file.

Flat file service editor

Flat file service editor

The fields visible in the editor is dependent upon which type (separators versus fixed width delimitation) this descriptor is configured to handle.

Common configuration fields

The following fields are both present in services for character-delimited and fixed width flat files:

  • Type

    The type of the descriptor.

  • Input First Data Row

    The row number where reading of data should start. This field is handy if the data has header rows that contain the column names, and you wish to skip them.

  • Encoding

    The text-encoding method used in the flat file.

  • Output Header Type

    Determines whether headers are present or not in the data, when Gloop is writing it.

    Option Description
    Column Names Acknowledge the first row of entries as property names
    Data There are no headers and data is displayed in the first row immediately.


The following fields are specific to character-delimited flat file services only:

  • Column Delimiter

    The character used to set fields apart fields in an entry.

  • Text Delimiter

    The character used to quote text; set to double quotes (") by default.

  • Escape Character

    The character used to escape special characters to allow them to be treated as ordinary characters.

  • Comment Maker

    The character used to mark data as a comment.

  • Record Separator

    The character(s) used to separate records.

  • Null String

    The string to be used for null values.

  • Quote Mode

    Indicates how values are quoted in the flat file.

    Option Description
    All For quoting all columns.
    Minimal For quoting only fields which contain special characters such as a delimiter, quote character, or any character used as a record separator.
    Non-Numeric For quoting only non-numeric fields.
    None For not quoting at all. When the delimiter occurs in a field, it must be preceded by the escape character. An exception will be thrown if any character that is unescaped but requires escaping is encountered.
  • Allow Missing Column Names

    Specifies whether missing column names are allowed when parsing the header (first row), if any. This is set to false by default.

  • Ignore Empty Lines

    Specifies whether to ignore empty lines; set to false by default.

  • Ignore Surrounding Spaces

    Specifies whether leading or trailing spaces would be ignored around values; set to false by default.

  • Property

    This is similar to the Data model editor, this is used to design the model that will represent the flat-file data.

Fixed width

The following fields are specific to fixed-width flat file service only:

  • Record Separator

    The character(s) used to separate records.

  • Padding Character

    Sets the character used to pad fields in a record.

  • Left Justified

    Specifies whether the columns are left justified or not; set to false by default.

  • Property

    This is similar to the Data model editor, this is used to design the model that will represent the flat-file data.

Spreadsheet (Excel)

The following fields are specific to spreadsheet (Excel) flat file services only:

  • Sheet Number

    The first sheet in the spreadsheet to process data from. This number is 1-based, meaning the first sheet is 1. If this is set to 0, then all sheets in the spreadsheet will be processed.

Preview tab

The Preview tab enables you to test the flat file service with sample data. Once it is fed data, it parses your data displays the results in a table. You can provide data by importing a flat file or by simply adding text in the provided text area.

Flat file service preview

Flat file service preview

Source tab

The Source tab shows the source code of the flat file service. It is written in JSON format, parsed by Gloop, and is used to define the flat file service.

Flat file service source

Flat file service source

Using a flat file service in a service

To use a flat file service in a Gloop, drag and drop the generated service to the service:

Calling a flat file service in a service

Calling a flat file service in a service

Once the generated service is added as an invoke step, set the arguments required in the call:

  • flatFileData is the flat file to read or write to. This can be a File, InputStream, OutputStream, Reader, or Writer.
  • type is used to indicate whether to read or write data. Set this parameter's value to Input if you need to read data or Output if you need to write data.

Setting a flat file service call's parameters

Setting a flat file service call's parameters

As said earlier, the output of the generated service is a Gloop cursor. If you've opted to read, the cursor will contain the entries in the flat file; when writing, however, the cursor should receive the entries you want to write to the file. In either scenarios, you would need to use an iterate step.

To read each entry, you must iterate over the cursor like you would an array. To do this, create an iterate step and then set the cursor as the value of the iterate step's Input Array property.

Reading from a Gloop cursor in an iterate step

Reading from a Gloop cursor in an iterate step

To write entries, you must create an iterate step as well; but this time, the Input Array should be set to hold the items you want to serialize and the Output Array's value should be the cursor.

Writing to a Gloop cursor in an iterate step

Writing to a Gloop cursor in an iterate step

Quickly generate a flat file service call

To quickly generate Gloop code that reads or writes to a flat file:

  1. Press the key in the service editor.
  2. Type the name of the flat file service you want to process.
  3. Select the service to call by moving your arrow keys up or down and then finally pressing once your choice is final.

Calling a flat file service via content-assist

Calling a flat file service via content-assist

  1. The flat file's fields 

  2. Option is only available in Martini Desktop.