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Cassandra services

A Cassandra service is a type of service that can be used to execute CQL statements against a Cassandra database.

Creating a Cassandra service

To create a Cassandra service, follow the steps below:

Creating a Cassandra service

Creating a Cassandra service

  1. Launch the Cassandra service wizard by right-clicking on the target package's code directory (or any of the directories underneath it) where you'd like to store the Cassandra service, and then select New > Cassandra Service.
  2. In the wizard, specify the following details:

    • Location - where the Cassandra service will reside; its default value will be the folder where you started the wizard from
    • Name - the name of the Cassandra service
    • Connection Name - the name of the database that the service will connect to while developing the service, and by default when executing it
    • Query Type - the type of Cassandra statement the service will perform
    • Keyspace - the keyspace that the service will use by default
  3. Click Finish.

Launch the wizard using keyboard shortcuts only

In Martini, you can open the Cassandra service wizard by pressing (or in Martini Online) and typing cql in the dialog's search box. After that, press and the wizard will appear.

Editing Cassandra services

After creating the Cassandra service, the service will automatically open, and you will be shown the Cassandra service editor.

SQL service editor

SQL service editor

Here's a breakdown of its primary components:

  1. Connection Name drop-down

    The name of the database connection Martini will connect to when being executed. By clicking on the drop-down list, you will be able to choose the database you want to execute queries against. Only registered and started database connections will be selectable. You can change the database connection at runtime by setting the $martiniConnectionPool input property to the name of another database connection.

  2. Cassandra Service Type drop-down

    The specific type of operation that the service will execute. Currently, these are the supported types:

    Type Description
    Select Single Used to get the first row of the result set from a SELECT statement.
    Select Multi Returns an input cursor representing the result set rows from a SELECT statement.
    Insert Used to insert one row into a table.
    Insert Batch Used to insert multiple rows into a table. These types of services return an output cursor.
    Update Used to update a single row.
    Update Batch Used to update multiple rows in a table. These types of services return an output cursor.
    Delete Used to delete a single row.
    Delete Batch Used to delete multiple rows from a table. These types of services return an output cursor.
  3. Keyspace drop-down

    The default keyspace to be used by this Cassandra service at runtime.

  4. Show System checkbox

    This is to choose whether to show Cassandra system keyspaces in the Database Tree.

  5. Database tree

    Displays the target database's keyspaces, tables, columns, and their types. You can use this to navigate around the database.

  6. CQL Statement text area

    The CQL statement based on the Service Type selected. You can edit the service's CQL directly using this component. You can also press whilst editing to bring up the content-assist menu.

    Format your CQL query

    You can format your query by right clicking on the statement text area and selecting Format, or by using the shortcut .

    Formatting Cassandra query

Testing and previewing CQL queries

If you aren't sure exactly what CQL you need, you can use the Database perspective in Martini Desktop to test your queries. Alternatively, you can right click on a Cassandra service in the Navigator, and choose Export > CQL Query.

Inputs and outputs

Like regular services, Cassandra services have inputs and outputs, too. As the CQL statement changes, the Cassandra service's inputs and outputs will change as well.

If the CQL statement is incorrect or the output model could not be generated, then a warning will appear underneath the CQL editor. When you hover your mouse pointer over the warning, a tooltip will show up which will provide you with more information on what is wrong with the statement.

Gloop Cassandra services also have special input properties you can set:

Property Type Applicable Operations Description
$martiniConnectionPool Input All operations The database connection name. If this isn't specified, the default database configured in the editor will be used.
$keyspace Input All operations The keyspace name. If this isn't specified, the default keyspace configured in the editor will be used.
$consistencyLevel Input All operations The consistency level to be used for this service. If this isn't specified, the default consistency level configured in the database will be used.
$serialConsistencyLevel Input All operations The serial consistency level to be used for this service. If this isn't specified, the default consistency level configured in the database will be used.
$idempotent Input All operations The idempotence to be used for this service. If this isn't specified, the default consistency level configured in the database will be used.

Parameterized queries

Parameterized CQL queries are also supported in Gloop. Parameters allow for flexible CQL commands - arguments don't need to be hard-coded in the CQL statement. You can specify their values by setting the parameters' name with a : character prefix, as shown below:

    item_id = :itemId

As you modify the CQL and add bound parameters, the Input/Output view will change as shown below:

Input/Output view changing with CQL statement

Input/Output view changing with CQL statement

Create models from a table

If you want to have a Data model that represents a Cassandra table, you can right click on a table in the Database tree, then select Export to Data Model.

You can also use Martini to help write the CQL statements for you. Right click on the table or columns you would like to include in the statement and choose the type of CQL statement you would like to execute from the appearing context menu. The items in the context menu will depend on the selected value for the Type dropdown. In the example below, Select was used for Type, hence selectable statements are SELECT statements only.

WHERE clause limitations

Cassandra has limitations with the WHERE clause. Martini will only add supported columns to the WHERE clause.

Gloop CQL service, CQL generator

Gloop CQL service, CQL generator

Generate statements by dragging and dropping table or column nodes to the editor

You can drag and drop tables or columns displayed on the Database node in the Navigator view to the editor. Doing this will prompt Martini to generate a CQL statement based on the selected statement type and provided tables or columns.