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Running a Event Based Workflow service

Event Based Workflow services can be invoked via the Flux REST API or Martini IDE.

Using either IDEs is the simplest and fastest way to run a Event Based Workflow service. This is suitable during the development phase of your application. There are multiple ways to run a Event Based Workflow service; you can use:

  • The context menu from either the Event Based Workflow editor or the Navigator view; or
  • The debug button on the service toolbar

Afterwards, the IDE will show a dialog that allows you to add and set properties before running the service. These properties include:

  • Start State

    This specifies on what state the execution should start. If Default is selected, the first state on the Event Based Workflows definition will be used as a start state. The default starting state is marked as green in the editor.

  • Inputs

    If you have Event Based Workflow inputs on your service, they will be shown on the dialog. You can then set the values for each input defined in the Event Based Workflow Service.

  • Tags

    The values to add as tags to the Event Based Workflow execution. This is equivalent to adding tags on the Event Based Workflow properties except that tags added from the dialog are bound to the execution only.

After running, Martini opens the console for you, logging any information relevant to your service.

Running a Event Based Workflow service

Running a Event Based Workflow service

Invoke Event Based Workflow in HTTP Client

You can also invoke Event Based Workflow services via the HTTP Client. The HTTP Client is a neat API development tool in Martini Desktop that allows developers to compose advanced requests for testing their APIs.