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Debugging a Event Based Workflow

When debugging a Event Based Workflow, you gain the ability to inspect and change the flow of the service's execution. Martini Online and Desktop both support the adding of breakpoints, stepping through states and transitions, examining the context, performing evaluations, and more. In this section, we will go over these features and learn how they can be used to debug a Event Based Workflow.

Starting a debug session

To start a debug session, you need to run your Event Based Workflow in debug mode. When a service is running in debug mode, you will be able to perform debug operations on that service. There are two ways to start a service in debug mode: using the context menu from either the Event Based Workflow editor or the Navigator view, or the debug button on the service toolbar.

Starting a debug session

Starting a debug session

If your Event Based Workflow has input properties declared, Martini will prompt you to supply these properties before starting the debug session.

Attaching the debugger

If you have a Event Based Workflow that is currently running and you want to perform debug operations on it, you can use the Event Based Workflow debugger. The Event Based Workflow debugger has the ability to attach itself to a running Event Based Workflow (whether already in a debug session or not) and when it is attached, a new debug session is created and started. To do this:

Attaching the Event Based Workflow debugger

Attaching the Event Based Workflow debugger

  1. Access the Martini service manager.
  2. Right click the Event Based Workflow you want to attach to.
  3. Click Attach Debugger.

After the debugger successfully attaches itself, you should see a < Event Based Workflow Debugger Attached > message in the Console view. You may now perform debug operations on that service.

You will also notice Martini prompting you to switch to the Debug perspective. This perspective contains all elements relevant for debugging services. Click the Yes button to switch immediately; No or Cancel to postpone.

Toggling breakpoints

Breakpoints are used as markers to suspend the execution of a service. In Event Based Workflow, you can add them to the states either before or during debugging. To do this:

  1. Select one or more states.
  2. Right click then click Toggle Breakpoint.

Adding breakpoints in Event Based Workflow

Adding breakpoints in Event Based Workflow

Use the shortcut to quickly toggle breakpoints

You can use the shortcut to toggle a breakpoint when you have a state selected.

Breakpoints view

If you're in the Debug perspective, you'll be able to see all of your breakpoints under the Breakpoints view.

Commands for debugging

The Event Based Workflow debugger provides different execution operations that you can apply to a service that's being debugged:

  • Resume

    Resumes the debug execution until a breakpoint is hit or the service completes.

  • Pause

    Suspends the debug execution. If a state or transition is currently being executed, execution will be suspended on the next transition or state instead, respectively.

  • Terminate

    Stops the running service.

  • Step Into

    When used on a state, the current state will be invoked and then the execution stops before the transition. When used on a transition, the transition will be invoked and then the execution stops before the next state.

  • Step Over

    When used on a state, the current state and its transition will be invoked and then the execution stops before the next state. When used on a transition, the transition will be invoked then and then the execution stops before the next transition.

Martini also features shortcuts for each of these commands.

The Debug perspective

Event Based Workflow's Debug perspective is similar to Gloop's Debug perspective wherein the workspace is re-arranged so that it shows all views relevant when debugging.

The Event Based Workflow Debug perspective

The Event Based Workflow Debug perspective

When debugging a Event Based Workflow, the user is given the option to use the Event Based Workflow Debug perspective. The prompt is displayed after inputs have been set.

Triggering the Event Based Workflow Debug perspective

Triggering the Event Based Workflow Debug perspective

Debug view

This view shows the debug execution stack of services that are currently and have been debugged.

Debug view

Debug view

Variables view

This view shows the current context of the service being debugged. The context is made available for display when the service's execution is suspended. It consists mainly of Event Based Workflow inputs and outputs. If execution halts while on a state, then the state's input and output variables are added; if on a transition, then the transition's input and output variables are added.

Variables view

Variables view

Expressions view

This view allows you to run Groovy statements that use the variables available in the context; all you have to do is define and add the expressions.

In the example below, an expression was added to calculate the total price of all cart items with an additional price of 20 each:

Evaluating expressions via the Expressions view

Evaluating expressions via the Expressions view

Read-only evaluation

The evaluations made while debugging do not alter the values of the context.

Breakpoints view

This view shows all the breakpoints you have added via the Event Based Workflow editor. You could enable/disable the breakpoints by toggling the checkbox beside each entry.

Breakpoints view

Breakpoints view


Command Description Shortcut
Debug Debugs the service previously run
Toggle breakpoint Adds or removes a breakpoint
Resume Resumes the debug execution
Terminate Stops the debug execution
Step Into Executes the current state or transition and suspends the execution before entering the next state or transition
Step Over Executes the current state and transition and suspends the execution before entering the next state
Command Description Shortcut
Debug Debugs the service previously run
Toggle breakpoint Adds or removes a breakpoint
Resume Resumes the debug execution
Pause Suspends the debug execution
Terminate Stops the debug execution
Step into Executes the current state or transition and suspends the execution before entering the next state or transition
Step over Executes the current state and transition and suspends the execution before entering the next state