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Handling undefined events and exceptions in Event Based Workflow

If you try to give an event when there is no transition, Event Based Workflow will throw an io.toro.fluxengine.exception.runtime.UndefinedEventException. If you'd like to respond to events that are not declared, you could create a transition with the $else event. This is useful when you have a dynamic value for $fluxEvent.

Event Based Workflow also allows the catching of exceptions that may occur when a state's action is invoked. To do this, create a transition with $exception. Having this event provides the transition with an additional input called $fluxException, a GloopModel of reference io.toro.fluxengine.exception.runtime.Event Based WorkflowRuntimeException, that provides the details of the thrown exception. In particular, these are its properties:

  1. message - a String that contains the exception message
  2. type - a String that contains the simple class name of the exception
  3. className - a String that contains the class name of the exception
  4. realException - an Object that contains the actual exception
  5. fluxStackTrace - a GloopModel array of state and transition calls

fluxStackTrace contains an array of stacktrace elements that describes which states and transitions were invoked from the start of a Event Based Workflow execution until the exception was thrown. A Event Based Workflow stacktrace element consists of the following properties:

  1. fluxName - name of the Event Based Workflow service
  2. stateName - name of the invoked state
  3. transition - event of the transition, null if the stacktrace element pertains to a state invocation
  4. stateIndex - index of the state on the Event Based Workflow definition