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Jabber endpoint

The Jabber endpoint is used when you would like to have code invoked when an instant message is received by Martini.


General configuration

Property Default Description
Name (required) The name of the endpoint.
Service (required) The service to execute when the endpoint is triggered.
Run As Anonymous The user to run the service in behalf of. This is logged to Tracker.
Document Type <Name of endpoint type> The document type to be used when adding documents to Tracker as this endpoint is triggered.
Auto Start true Whether or not to automatically start the endpoint upon package startup.
Log To Tracker false Flag determining whether executions should be logged to Tracker.
Replicated true If this endpoint is configured on a Martini instance that's running in a cluster, replicated will determine whether to run the endpoint on all instances, or only the elected leader node in the cluster. When this is checked, all instances will run the endpoint. When it's unchecked, only the leader node will run the endpoint.

Jabber-specific configuration

Name Default Description
Username (required) Jabber client username.
Password (required) Jabber client password.
Host (required) Jabber server host.
Port 5222 Jabber server port.
Service Name (required) The service name of the XMPP service (i.e., the XMPP domain).
Reply with Service Response false If set to true, this will automatically reply with the returned value of your service (limited to java.lang.String and groovy.lang.GString).
Use Object Converter on Service Response false If set to true, this will allow the endpoint to reply with an object marshalled by an object converter.

Advanced configuration

For advanced cases, there are more properties available:

Name Default Description
Security Mode Default Sets the TLS security mode used when making the connection.
Ping Interval (s) 20 Pings the server periodically. This setting will ensure the connection will not be dropped.
Connection Timeout (ms) 50000 How long the socket will wait until a TCP connection is established in milliseconds.
Packet Reply Timeout (ms) 10000 Set the stanza (packet) reply timeout in milliseconds. If no reply to a request was received within the timeout period, an exception will be thrown.
Resource Name jabber/{endpoint_name} Set the resource to use. If resource is null, then the server will automatically create a resource for the client.
Keystore Path Sets the path to the KeyStore file. The key store file contains the certificates that may be used to authenticate the client to the server, in the event the server requests or requires it.
Keystore Type Sets the KeyStore type.
PKCS11 Library Sets the PKCS11 library file location, needed when the KeyStore type is PKCS11.
Enable Compression false Sets if the connection is going to use stream compression. Stream compression will be requested after TLS was established (if TLS was enabled) and only if the server offered stream compression. With stream compression, network traffic can be reduced up to 90%.
Allow Empty Username false Allow null or an empty string as username. Some SASL mechanisms (e.g. SASL External) may also signal the username (as "authorization identity"), in which case Smack should not throw an IllegalArgumentException when the username is not set.
Allow Reconnection true Enables the automatic reconnection process.
Send Presence false Determines whether an initial available presence will be sent to the server. By default, an available presence will be sent to the server indicating that this presence is not online and available to receive messages. If you want to log in without being 'noticed' then pass a false value.


When the endpoint is triggered, the following variables are exposed to the configured service:

General parameters

Name Type Description
$trackerId java.lang.String The Tracker document internal ID. If the endpoint was configured to not track, this value will be null.
$tracker io.toro.martini.tracker.Tracker The Tracker object. If the endpoint was configured to not track, this value will be null.
martiniPackage MartiniPackage The Martini package that contains the endpoint.
parameters java.util.Map A map containing all the endpoint specific parameters.
properties java.util.Map A map containing containing all the properties associated with the endpoint.

Jabber-specific parameters

Name Type Description
message io.toro.martini.jabber.Message The message object.
content java.lang.String The default body of the message, or null if the body has not been set. The body is the main message content.
error io.toro.martini.jabber.XMPPError The error associated with this packet, or null if there are no errors.
chat io.toro.martini.jabber.Chat Jabber chat client which can be used to send messages & perform other operations.
to java.lang.String The stanza (packet) is being sent "to", or null if the value is not set. The XMPP protocol often makes the "to" attribute optional, so it does not always need to be set.
from java.lang.String The stanza (packet) is being sent "from" or null if the value is not set. The XMPP protocol often makes the "from" attribute optional, so it does not always need to be set.
subject java.lang.String The subject of the message, or null if the subject has not been set. The subject is a short description of the message's contents.
language java.lang.String The language, or null if one has not been set.
threadId java.lang.String The thread ID of the message, which is a unique identifier for a sequence of "chat" messages. If no thread ID is set, null will be returned.
Name Type Description
message Message The message object.
content java.lang.String The default body of the message, or null if the body has not been set. The body is the main message content.
error XMPPError The error associated with this packet, or null if there are no errors.
chat Chat Jabber chat client which can be used to send messages & perform other operations.
to java.lang.String The stanza (packet) is being sent "to", or null if the value is not set. The XMPP protocol often makes the "to" attribute optional, so it does not always need to be set.
from java.lang.String The stanza (packet) is being sent "from" or null if the value is not set. The XMPP protocol often makes the "from" attribute optional, so it does not always need to be set.
subject java.lang.String The subject of the message, or null if the subject has not been set. The subject is a short description of the message's contents.
language java.lang.String The language, or null if one has not been set.
threadId java.lang.String The thread ID of the message, which is a unique identifier for a sequence of "chat" messages. If no thread ID is set, null will be returned.


Gloop as service

Consider the following endpoint configuration, for Atlassian's Hipchat:

`GuessingEndpoint`'s configuration

It uses a Gloop service called GuessingGame, which asks the user what number it currently "thinks" of. The service responds with hints as to whether the actual number is higher or lower than the current guess. See it in action:

Chatbot demo

Groovy as service

Consider the following Groovy stub:

class GuessingGame {

    public String guess( Chat chat, Message message, String from ) {
        String msg = message.getBody();
        // Implementation omitted
        return "Try to guess what number I'm thinking!"

By querying the properties from the injected Message, we can add conditions that direct the behavior of the replies, such as inviting the user for a guessing game. The returned String value in this method is sent back to the user as a chat reply.

Similar to the Gloop example, we can configure the endpoint into the following:

`GuessingEndpoint`'s configuration

... the only difference being, this time we use our GuessingGame code as the endpoint service.

Chatbot demo

Want more examples?

The distribution ships with a Martini package called examples, which contains services demonstrating more use cases.