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FTP client endpoint

The FTP client endpoint enables developers to write services that react to changes occurring in a remote FTP/FTPS/SFTP directory. This may be applicable to scenarios where other systems manipulate files in a remote filesystem, which Martini then needs to process.


General configuration

Property Default Description
Name (required) The name of the endpoint.
Service (required) The service to execute when the endpoint is triggered.
Run As Anonymous The user to run the service in behalf of. This is logged to Tracker.
Document Type <Name of endpoint type> The document type to be used when adding documents to Tracker as this endpoint is triggered.
Auto Start true Whether or not to automatically start the endpoint upon package startup.
Log To Tracker false Flag determining whether executions should be logged to Tracker.
Replicated true If this endpoint is configured on a Martini instance that's running in a cluster, replicated will determine whether to run the endpoint on all instances, or only the elected leader node in the cluster. When this is checked, all instances will run the endpoint. When it's unchecked, only the leader node will run the endpoint.

FTP client-specific configuration

Property Default Description
Polling Interval (required) The interval in seconds, at which Martini checks for changes.
Directory (required) The remote directory to poll for changes.
Events Addition The type of events this endpoint should monitor.

Connection configuration

Property Default Description
Username (required) The username used to log in to the FTP server.
Password (required) The password used to log in to the FTP server.
Host (required) The remote host to connect to.
Port (required) The server port.
Protocol (required) The protocol of the remote host. Possible values: FTP, FTPS, SFTP.
Connection Timeout (ms) 0 The maximum time to wait while creating a connection to the server.
Socket Timeout (ms) 0 The maximum time to wait for a packet before dropping the connection.

File system options configuration

Property Default Description
Passive false Flag determining whether data connections made to the FTP server should be active (unchecked), or passive (checked).
User Directory is Root true Flag determining whether to treat the user directory as the root directory.
Default Date Format The main date format that will be used to parse file timestamps.
Recent Date Format The secondary date format that will be used to parse file timestamps, typically those less than a year old.
Control Encoding ISO-8859-1 The character encoding to be used by the FTP control connection.
Server Language Code en A two-letter ISO-639 language code that will be used to configure the set of month names used by the file timestamp parser.
Server Time Zone Id The time zone to be specified corresponding to that known to be used by an FTP server in file listings.
File Type ASCII The character encoding of the files from the FTP server.


When the endpoint is triggered, the following variables are exposed to the configured service:

General parameters

Name Type Description
$trackerId java.lang.String The Tracker document internal ID. If the endpoint was configured to not track, this value will be null.
$tracker io.toro.martini.tracker.Tracker The Tracker object. If the endpoint was configured to not track, this value will be null.
martiniPackage MartiniPackage The Martini package that contains the endpoint.
parameters java.util.Map A map containing all the endpoint specific parameters.
properties java.util.Map A map containing containing all the properties associated with the endpoint.

FTP client-specific parameters

Name Type Description
context org.quartz.JobExecutionContext The Quartz context.
jobDataMap org.quartz.JobDataMap The Quartz job data map.
job org.quartz.Job The Quartz job.
file java.nio.file.Path The file whose change triggered the endpoint.
filename java.lang.String The absolute path of the file.
inputStream An open InputStream, pointing to the file. The stream is automatically closed after the service executes.
reader An open Reader, pointing to the file. The reader is automatically closed after the service executes.
multipartFile org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile A multipart file pointing to the file.
bytes byte[] Contains all file data. This variable is only created if your method has a parameter that matches the name (therefore scripts will never have this variable since they don't declare variables).
content java.lang.String Contains all file data. This variable is only created if your method has a parameter that matches the name (therefore scripts will never have this variable since they don't declare variables).


Gloop as service

Consider this application using Gloop that sends the file that triggered the endpoint to an remote FTP server:

File-sending service

(1) Retrieves the credentials of the FTP server from the package properties. (5) When the service is executed, this fetches the remote representation of the file matching filename from the input (provided by the endpoint):

File-sending service's inputs

(6) The value of bytes is then written to the remote representation of the file resolved by the previous line.

Want more examples?

The distribution ships with a Martini package called examples, which contains services (including the above example) demonstrating more use cases.

Groovy script as service

Consider this Groovy script that simply prints the available variables in the context:

    '$tracker' ].each {

    println "$it\t : " + this[it]

When the endpoint is triggered - the console will show logs similar to the following:

properties   : [ <ommitted> ]
parameters   : [ <ommitted> ]
martiniPackage   : martiniPackage [name=examples]
file     : /tmp/watch-me/whip.whip
filename     : /tmp/watch-me/whip.whip
inputStream  :
reader  :
multipartFile    : io.toro.martini.core.util.ESBMockMultipartFile@3a1fa99c
$trackerId   : null
$tracker     : null

Groovy method as service

By using a Groovy class method as the service configured to the endpoint, we get access to additional variables content and bytes. Consider the following script:

class Reporter {

    def sendFileAsEmailBody( String content ) {
        // smtps format is smtp[s]://<login>:<password>@<smtp-server>[:port]/<Subject>
        'smtps://myEmail:password@server/Daily Report'.send( [to: ''], content );
This is invoked with the content of the file and sends it as an email body to with subject Daily Report.

Use inputStream or file if reading large files

The use of content and bytes is suited only for cases where the expected size of the file is small. Otherwise, reading via the inputStream, or accessing the file directly is recommended.