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Martini System Properties

System properties are configuration settings that are set at the startup of the Martini Server Runtime. These properties can influence the behavior of the server and its components, allowing you to customize the runtime environment according to your requirements.

Setting System Properties

System properties can be defined in two primary ways:

1. Startup Parameters

You can specify system properties directly as startup parameters when launching the Martini Server Runtime. This is done using the -D flag followed by the property key and value. For example:

./toro-martini run -Dhello=world

In this example, the system property hello is set to world. You can define multiple properties by repeating the -D flag for each one.

2. Modifying the Startup Script

Alternatively, you can modify the startup script located at:


By adding your desired system properties within the script, you can ensure that they are set each time the server is started. This approach is useful for persistent configurations that you want to apply automatically.