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Log Levels in Martini

Logging is a critical aspect of monitoring and diagnosing the behavior of applications. In Martini, log levels are used to specify the severity of messages logged by the application. These levels help developers and system administrators control the volume and relevance of the information captured in the logs, enabling them to focus on important messages without being overwhelmed by data.

Martini supports a range of log levels that determine the priority of the messages to be logged. Each level corresponds to a certain importance of the message, and by configuring these levels, you can fine-tune your application’s logging to meet your operational needs. Below is a detailed explanation of each log level supported by Martini:


The FATAL level designates very severe error events that will presumably lead the application to abort. This level is used when the system is in a critical state and is typically logged just before the application stops abruptly. It’s crucial to monitor these logs as they can indicate unrecoverable errors.


The ERROR level indicates serious issues that require attention, representing errors that might allow the application to continue running but need to be investigated and fixed promptly. This level is used to log exceptions that are handled and logged within a catch block.


WARN signals potentially harmful situations. This level is used for logging abnormal or undesired situations that are not necessarily errors but might warrant closer attention to prevent future issues. Warnings might highlight the use of deprecated APIs, poor use of resources, or unexpected states that do not stop the application but could potentially lead to errors or performance degradation.


The INFO level is used for messages that highlight the progress of the application at a coarse-grained level. This level provides insight into the application's operational flow, such as startup, shutdown, and major operations. INFO logs are generally informative in nature and do not imply any error or warning.


DEBUG provides detailed contextual information useful for debugging the application. This level is used to log detailed information on the flow through the system and state changes that are important for debugging but not necessarily of interest under normal circumstances. Debug logs are usually only enabled during development or troubleshooting.


The TRACE level logs finer-grained informational events than the DEBUG level. This is the most verbose logging level (more detailed than DEBUG) and is used to log information about everything the application does. It's particularly useful for tracing the application behavior and understanding problems in great depth.


ALL is used to turn on all levels of logging. This level ensures that all messages of all severities are logged, providing a complete log trace but potentially generating a large amount of log data. This level is typically not recommended for production unless troubleshooting specific issues that require detailed logs.

Understanding and configuring the appropriate log level for your Martini application is essential for effective logging and monitoring. It ensures that you have access to the right level of detail when you need it, without cluttering your log files with unnecessary information.

Setting Log Levels in Martini

To effectively manage the logging within your Martini instances, you may need to adjust the log levels according to your operational requirements. This can be crucial for controlling the volume of logs and focusing on the information that is most relevant to your current needs. Here are the steps to set the log levels in Martini:

Setting Log Levels in Martini Runtime Server

In the Martini Runtime Server environment, log levels can be adjusted programmatically via the API or directly through the file system. This flexibility allows for precise control over how logging is handled, depending on your operational requirements and environment setup.

Via API Explorer: Log levels can be modified using the Martini API Explorer, a user-friendly interface designed for efficient interaction with the system's APIs. Follow these steps to set the log levels through the API Explorer:

  1. Access the API Explorer: Open a web browser and go to localhost:8080/api-explorer/ to access the API Explorer.

  2. Navigate to the System Tag: Locate and click on the System tag within the API Explorer to view various system configuration and operation endpoints.

  3. Configure Log Levels: Use the /esbapi/system/loggers endpoint found under the System tag to modify log levels for various components of your Martini application.

  4. Use POST to Set Log Levels: Set the desired log level by using the POST method at the /esbapi/system/loggers endpoint. Include a JSON payload with the logger's name and the desired log level, which can range from FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, to ALL.

Here is an example of how to format your JSON payload:

  "loggerName": "yourLoggerName",
  "logLevel": "INFO"

Via File System: Alternatively, log levels can also be adjusted directly in the filesystem by editing the file located in the /<martini-home>/conf/ directory. This method is particularly useful for environments where API access is restricted or during initial setup stages.

To modify log levels directly through the file system, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Configuration File: Navigate to the /<martini-home>/conf/ directory on your server and locate the file.

  2. Edit the Log Levels: Open the file in a text editor. Find the lines corresponding to the loggers you wish to adjust. Log levels can be set by changing the value associated with each logger. For example, change logger.application.level = INFO to logger.application.level = DEBUG for more detailed logging.

  3. Save and Restart: After making the desired changes, save the file. It is essential to restart the Martini Runtime instance to apply the new log level settings. This ensures that all components of the application use the updated logging configuration.

These steps allow you to fine-tune logging levels directly and are particularly useful for quick adjustments or in environments that favor file-based configurations.

Setting Log Levels in Martini Designer:

For environments using Martini Designer, you can set the log levels within the UI. Here are the steps to set the log levels:

  1. Access Martini logs file: Begin by clicking on the Martini menu located on top of the window, this action will bring you the option to open the logs file.

  2. Open Logs: From the menu, select the Open Logs option. This will display the Logs file, where you can view and manage all logging activities.

  3. Configure Loggers: Within the Logs section, find and click on the Configure Loggers option. This is where you can set and adjust the log levels.

  4. Set Log Levels: In the Configure Loggers section, you will see a list of all available loggers and their current log levels. Here, you can modify the log level for each logger by selecting the desired level from the dropdown menu next to each logger's name. Choose from levels such as FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, or ALL based on the granularity of log details you require.

By following these steps, you can customize the logging behavior of your Martini instances to better suit your monitoring and debugging processes.