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Configuring AWS SQS for Martini

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Queue Service (SQS) offers a reliable, highly scalable hosted queue for storing messages as they travel between applications or microservices. Integrating AWS SQS with Martini allows developers to seamlessly connect their applications within the AWS ecosystem, enabling efficient message processing with minimal coding. Martini utilizes the AWS SQS SDK to poll and retrieve messages from queues, facilitating smooth communication between services.

Endpoint Definitions

Endpoint Type


Endpoint Configuration

Below are the configurations available for an AWS SQS listener endpoint in Martini:

Name Required Description
queueName Yes The name of the AWS SQS queue to be polled.
pollTimeInSeconds No The interval in seconds between polling requests. Defaults to 10. A higher value can reduce AWS costs.
maxNumberOfMessage No The maximum number of messages to poll in a single request. Defaults to 10.
awsCredentialOption Yes Credential option for AWS authentication. DEFAULT utilizes the AWS credential provider chain. BASIC requires specifying awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretKey, and awsSessionToken in the endpoint properties.
awsAccessKeyId No Required if awsCredentialOption is set to BASIC. Specifies the AWS Access Key ID.
awsSecretKey No Required if awsCredentialOption is set to BASIC. Specifies the AWS Secret Access Key.
awsSessionToken No Required if awsCredentialOption is set to BASIC. Specifies the AWS Session Token. Can be left empty.
messageAttributes Yes A comma-separated list of message attributes to fetch during polling.

Endpoint Specific Properties

These properties are specific to messages retrieved from AWS SQS:

Name Type Description
body String The body of the AWS SQS message.
message Object The AWS SQS message object, containing all details of the message.
messageAttributes Array An array of key-value pairs representing the message attributes.
messageId String The unique identifier of the AWS SQS message.
queueName String The name of the AWS SQS queue being polled.
receiptHandle String The receipt handle of the AWS SQS message, used for message deletion or change visibility.

Usage and Testing

This section guides you through the setup and testing of an AWS SQS Endpoint within Martini, including creating a new package and endpoint, and verifying message receipt.

1. Setup an AWS SQS Queue in AWS Console

Before integrating AWS SQS with Martini, create and configure your SQS queue in the AWS Console. Ensure you have the correct permissions and settings for your application's requirements.

2. Create a New Package and AWS SQS Endpoint

Without a graphical interface for this setup, you'll define your endpoint configuration in XML. This XML snippet defines an AWS SQS listener endpoint, specifying necessary credentials and configurations:

<endpoint type="aws-sqs-listener" name="MyEndpoint" service="Test/Test" enabled="true" modifiable="true">
        <property name="track">false</property>
        <property name="documentType">AWS Sqs Listener</property>
        <property name="replicated">true</property>
        <property name="queueName">ToroQueue</property>
        <property name="pollTimeInSeconds">10</property>
        <property name="maxNumberOfMessage">10</property>
        <property name="awsCredentialOption">BASIC</property>
        <property name="awsRegion">us-east-1</property>
        <property name="awsAccessKeyId">[YourAWSAccessKeyId]</property>
        <property name="awsSecretKey">[YourAWSSecretKey]</property>
        <property name="awsSessionToken">[YourAWSSessionToken]</property>
        <property name="messageAttributes">test1,test2</property>

Ensure you replace [YourAWSAccessKeyId], [YourAWSSecretKey], and [YourAWSSessionToken] with your actual AWS credentials. If you prefer to use the default AWS credential provider chain, replace the BASIC credential option with DEFAULT and omit the AWS credential properties.

Alternatively, you can upload a pre-configured package, such as, which follows the same configuration principles outlined above.

3. Start the Endpoint

After defining your AWS SQS listener endpoint, start it within Martini. Verify that it's operational and ready to receive messages.

4. Send a Message to the Queue

Utilize the AWS Console to send a test message to your SQS queue. This step is crucial for validating the endpoint's ability to receive messages.

5. Verify Message Receipt

Upon sending a message, monitor Martini to confirm that it successfully receives the message. The receipt of the message will be indicated through the logging of different properties associated with the message, demonstrating the endpoint's operational status.