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Cassandra is a highly scalable, distributed NoSQL database designed for high availability and performance. When integrated with the Martini runtime, Cassandra provides a robust data storage solution optimized for handling large volumes of data with minimal downtime and quick access speeds.

Configuring Cassandra

Configuring Cassandra involves setting up various parameters to optimize the database's performance, availability, and scalability based on your specific use case. Proper configuration ensures that Cassandra operates efficiently and reliably, meeting the demands of high-throughput and large-scale data environments. Here’s a straightforward guide to adding a new database connection:

Configuration Guide

Via API Explorer: Database connections can be configured using the Martini API Explorer, a user-friendly interface designed for efficient interaction with the system's APIs. Follow these steps to configure the database connections through the API Explorer:

  1. Access the API Explorer: Open a web browser and go to [HOST]:8080/api-explorer/ to access the API Explorer.

  2. Navigate to the Database Tag: Locate and click on the database tag within the API Explorer to view various database configuration and operation endpoints.

  3. Configure Connection Pool: Use the esbapi/databases endpoint found under the database tag to save a database connection pool.

  4. Use POST to Save a Connection Pool: Save the connection pool by using the POST method at the /esbapi/databases endpoint. Here is a minimum requirement for a JSON payload:

         "name": "[name]",
         "autoStart": true,
         "type": "cassandra",
         "contactPoints": [
             "[HOST]"  // At least one contact point is required
         "port": 9042,  // Port number for connecting to the database; edit if using a custom port
         "credentials": {
             "username": "",  // Username for authentication; populate if required
             "password": ""   // Password for authentication; populate if required
         "ssl": false  // Set to true if SSL is used

Via File System: Alternatively, database connections can be modified directly in the file system by editing the <name>.dbxml file located in the /<martini-home>/conf/db-pool/ directory. The <name>.dbxml file refers to the specific file for your database configuration. This method is particularly useful in environments with restricted API access or during initial setup stages.

To modify database connections directly through the file system, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Configuration File: Navigate to the /<martini-home>/conf/db-pool/ directory on your server and locate the <name>.dbxml file.

  2. Edit the Database Connections: Open the <name>.dbxml file in a text editor and modify the database connection properties.

  3. Save and Restart: After making the desired changes, save the file. It is essential to restart the Martini Runtime instance to apply the new settings. This ensures that all components of the application use the updated Cassandra configuration. Here is a minimum requirement for a dbXML:

             <contactPoint0>[HOST]</contactPoint0> <!-- At least one contact point is required -->
         <port>9042</port> <!-- Port number for connecting to the database; edit if using a custom port -->
             <username></username> <!-- Username for authentication; populate if required -->
             <password></password> <!-- Password for authentication; populate if required -->
         <ssl>false</ssl> <!-- Set to true if using SSL -->

Database Properties

The table below outlines the configurable properties for a database connection: Refer to the Cassandra Documentation for more information on the values.

Field Name Parameters Required Default Value Description
Name name true null The name of the database connection.
Auto Start autoStart false true Whether the database connection should start automatically.
Type type true null The type of database (e.g., cassandra).
Contact Points contactPoints true null The contact points or hosts where the database is reachable.
Port port true 9042 The port number used to connect to the database.
Max Schema Agreement Wait Seconds maxSchemaAgreementWaitSeconds false 10 The maximum time in seconds to wait for schema agreement.
Compression compression false NONE The compression method used for data. Options may include NONE, SNAPPY, LZ4, etc.
Metrics metrics false true Whether metrics collection is enabled.
SSL ssl false false Whether SSL should be used for the connection.


Field Name Parameters Required Default Value Description
Username username false (empty) The username required for authentication.
Password password false (empty) The password required for authentication.

Pooling Options

Field Name Parameters Required Default Value Description
Core Connections Per Host Local coreConnectionsPerHostLocal false 1 Number of core connections per local host.
Core Connections Per Host Remote coreConnectionsPerHostRemote false 1 Number of core connections per remote host.
Max Connections Per Host Local maxConnectionsPerHostLocal false 1 Maximum number of connections per local host.
Max Connections Per Host Remote maxConnectionsPerHostRemote false 1 Maximum number of connections per remote host.
New Connection Threshold Local newConnectionThresholdLocal false 800 Threshold for creating new connections per local host.
New Connection Threshold Remote newConnectionThresholdRemote false 200 Threshold for creating new connections per remote host.
Max Requests Per Connection Local maxRequestsPerConnectionLocal false 1024 Maximum number of requests per connection per local host.
Max Requests Per Connection Remote maxRequestsPerConnectionRemote false 256 Maximum number of requests per connection per remote host.
Idle Timeout Seconds idleTimeoutSeconds false 120 Time in seconds before an idle connection is closed.
Pool Timeout Millis poolTimeoutMillis false 5000 Timeout in milliseconds for acquiring a connection from the pool.
Max Queue Size maxQueueSize false 256 Maximum size of the connection queue.
Heartbeat Interval Seconds heartbeatIntervalSeconds false 30 Interval in seconds for heartbeat checks to maintain connection.

Socket Options

Field Name Parameters Required Default Value Description
Connect Timeout Millis connectTimeoutMillis false 5000 Timeout in milliseconds for connecting to the database.
Read Timeout Millis readTimeoutMillis false 12000 Timeout in milliseconds for reading from the database.
Keep Alive keepAlive false true Whether to keep the socket connection alive.
Reuse Address reuseAddress false true Whether to reuse local addresses.
SO Linger soLinger false 0 The SO_LINGER option value for the socket.
TCP No Delay tcpNoDelay false true Whether to disable Nagle's algorithm for TCP connections.
Receive Buffer Size receiveBufferSize false 0 The size of the receive buffer for the socket.
Send Buffer Size sendBufferSize false 0 The size of the send buffer for the socket.

Query Options

Field Name Parameters Required Default Value Description
Consistency Level consistencyLevel false LOCAL_ONE The consistency level for queries. (e.g., LOCAL_ONE, QUORUM).
Serial Consistency Level serialConsistencyLevel false SERIAL The serial consistency level for queries.
Fetch Size fetchSize false 5000 The number of rows to fetch per query.
Default Idempotence defaultIdempotence false false Whether to use idempotence by default for queries.
Prepare On All Hosts prepareOnAllHosts false true Whether to prepare queries on all hosts.
Reprepare On Up reprepareOnUp false true Whether to reprepare queries when nodes are up.
Refresh Schema Interval Millis refreshSchemaIntervalMillis false 1000 Interval in milliseconds for schema refresh.
Max Pending Refresh Schema Requests maxPendingRefreshSchemaRequests false 20 Maximum number of pending schema refresh requests.
Refresh Node List Interval Millis refreshNodeListIntervalMillis false 1000 Interval in milliseconds for node list refresh.
Max Pending Refresh Node List Requests maxPendingRefreshNodeListRequests false 20 Maximum number of pending node list refresh requests.
Refresh Node Interval Millis refreshNodeIntervalMillis false 1000 Interval in milliseconds for node refresh.
Max Pending Refresh Node Requests maxPendingRefreshNodeRequests false 20 Maximum number of pending node refresh requests.