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Fish Tagging

Fish tagging in Martini is a technique used to include tags within logs for tracking and identification purposes. These tags provide valuable information such as the time and location of events, movement logging, operating environment details, authenticated usernames, and more.

To configure fish tagging in Martini, follow these steps:

Supported Fish Tags

Configure the following tags in your file to include relevant information in your logs:

  • [ %X{user} ]: Authenticated user
  • [ %X{http-method} ]: HTTP method
  • [ %X{ip} ]: IP address
  • [ %X{uri} ]: URI of the invoked REST API

Common Fish Tags

Common operating environment tags like host, instance, region, and stack can also be included in logs. To add common fish tags, set the desired tag names and values in the logging.tags property in your application properties file. For example:


Ensure the tag format is added to as $martini:<thetagname> to be utilized.

Logger Key Fish Tagging

Dynamic tag values can be provided using Martini's Logger.addFishTag method. Set the variable $service:<your-tag-name-here> in the log4j2 properties and use the tag name in Logger.addFishTag, assigning it any desired value.

Service Fish Tags

Martini supports the following tags related to service execution:

  • [ %X{service-name} ]
  • [ %X{service-type} ]

These tags can enhance the content of logs.

Endpoint Fish Tags

When tracking invoked endpoints, the following tags can be utilized:

  • [ %X{endpoint-name} ]
  • [ %X{endpoint-type} ]
  • [ %X{document-type} ]
  • [ %X{package-name} ]
  • [ %X{tracker-id} ]
  • [ %X{user} ]

Package MVC Fish Tags

To log information related to packages, enable tracker.xml and include the following tags in your logs:

  • [ %X{tracker-id} ]
  • [ %X{package-name} ]
  • [ %X{service-name} ]
  • [ %X{service-type} ]

Package Level Fish Tag

Martini supports fish tagging at the package level. Set the log4j.package.pattern property in the package's conf/properties/ file to apply fish tagging specifically to that package.