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Updating Martini Designer Online

Keeping Martini Designer Online up-to-date is straightforward and primarily involves pulling the latest Docker image. This ensures that you have access to the latest features, bug fixes, and performance improvements.

Steps to Update Martini Designer Online

1. Check for Updates

  • Regularly visit the Martini Designer Online repository or Docker Hub page to check for new releases.
  • You can also subscribe to release notifications if available.

2. Pull the Latest Docker Image

  • When an update is available, use the following command to pull the latest Docker image:
docker pull martini-designer-online:latest

3. Stop the Current Container

  • Before updating, stop the currently running Martini Designer Online container:
docker stop <container_name_or_id>

4. Remove the Old Container

  • Remove the old Docker container to make way for the updated version:
docker rm <container_name_or_id>

5. Start the Updated Container

  • Run the new Docker image to start an updated instance of Martini Designer Online:
docker run -d -p 80:80 martini-designer-online

6. Verify the Update

  • Access Martini Designer Online as usual and verify that the update has been successfully applied, usually evident by new features or changes in the interface.

Important Notes

  • Data Persistence: Ensure that your data is backed up or that you have persistent volumes configured to avoid data loss during the update process.
  • Configuration Backup: If you've made specific configurations or customizations, ensure they are backed up or noted for reapplication after updating.