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Other Host Installation of Martini Designer Online

Martini Designer Online is versatile and can be installed on any platform that supports Docker. This includes various public cloud providers as well as private servers, offering flexibility to suit different hosting preferences and requirements.

General Steps for Docker-Based Installation

1. Set Up Hosting Environment

  • Prepare your hosting environment, which could be a public cloud provider or your own private server.
  • Ensure that the environment is configured to support Docker instances.

2. Install Docker

3. Pull Martini Designer Online Docker File

  • From the command line of your host machine, pull the Martini Designer Online Docker file:
docker pull martini-designer-online:latest

4. Run the Docker Container

  • Start the Martini Designer Online application using the following command, which includes mapping necessary ports:
docker run -d -p 80:80 martini-designer-online

5. Access Martini Designer Online

  • Access Martini Designer Online via the host's IP address or domain name.


  • The flexibility of Docker allows Martini Designer Online to be installed in a wide range of environments.
  • Be mindful of network configurations, security settings, and resource allocation to ensure a stable and secure operation.
  • For public cloud environments, refer to the respective cloud provider's documentation for specific instructions related to Docker and VM setup.