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Configuring Martini Designer Online

While Martini Designer Online is designed to work efficiently with its default settings, you may wish to customize certain aspects to suit your specific needs or to optimize your development environment.

Accessing Configuration Settings

Configuration Options

Application Properties

  • Purpose: Adjust general application settings like user interface preferences, default paths, and more.
  • Impact: Tailors the Designer Online experience to your workflow, potentially improving performance and usability.

Learn more on how to configure Application Properties.

Log Levels

  • Purpose: Define the detail level for logs generated within Martini Designer Online.
  • Impact: Useful for debugging and monitoring the application's internal operations.

Learn more on how to configure Log Levels.

Fish Tagging

  • Purpose: Implement systematic tagging in log files for improved traceability and organization of log messages.
  • Impact: Facilitates easier tracking and analysis of specific events or issues.

Learn more on how to configure Fish Tagging.


  • Default vs. Custom Settings: The default settings are optimized for general usage, but custom settings can be adjusted for specialized requirements.
  • Best Practices: When changing settings, it's advisable to document the changes and understand their implications for your workflow.
  • Restart Requirements: Some configuration changes might necessitate a restart of Martini Designer Online to take effect.