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Configuring Martini Workspaces

Configuring your Martini Workspace involves setting up user access and managing your dependencies effectively. This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to ensure your workspace is tailored to your project's needs.

Accessing Your Martini Workspace Console

To access your Martini Workspace console, follow these steps:

  1. Visit and log in with your credentials. Then, select your specific Martini Workspace from the available list.
  2. In the Services menu, click on Martini, then choose Workspaces from the sidebar. Select your specific Martini Workspace from the list.

Edit instance name

At the top, click the pencil icon next to your current instance name and enter your preferred instance name.

User Access

Add User Accounts

Click on the User Accounts tab then click Add User to include new users. You can select existing users or groups from the Lonti directory or add new members as needed.

Monitor User Usage

A chart at the top of the screen displays how many user accounts have been utilized compared to the total available on your current plan.


Available Dependencies

Service Dependencies Minimum Memory Requirement (GB) Enabled
Martini 2 True (Default)
PostgreSQL 2 True (Default)
MongoDB 2 False
MySQL 1 False
Apache ActiveMQ 1 False
Apache Cassandra 4 False
Redis 1 False

Configuring Dependencies

  1. Click on the Service Dependencies tab.
  2. Click the Add Service button. A menu will appear listing the available dependencies, including various databases and message queues.
  3. Next to each dependency, you’ll see a Minimum Memory Requirement. Since each Martini Workspace has a specified memory limit, you can only add dependencies that fit within this allocated memory.
  4. Select the dependencies you require and click Submit.
  5. Start or restart the Martini Workspace for the changes in dependencies to take effect.


No further configuration of Martini Designer Online is required to connect to the dependencies. For instance, if you provision a dependency for MySQL, the MySQL instance will automatically start, and the database connection string will be configured in Designer Online, ready for your use. You can view the new MySQL dependency by clicking on the Database menu in the left navigation bar and expanding the Connections tree.