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Downgrade a Lonti Plan


  • An active Lonti account with administrative permissions.

Steps to Downgrade a Plan

  1. Log in to your Account: Visit and sign in with your administrator credentials.

  2. Access Account & Billing: Click on your Avatar and organization name in the top right-hand corner.

  3. Navigate to Subscriptions: Under "Billing", select the "Subscriptions" menu.

  4. Locate Your Subscription: Find the subscription you want to downgrade.

  5. Open Modification Options: Click the Cog icon next to your subscription.

  6. Select "Modify Plan": In the dropdown menu, pick "Modify Plan".

  7. Choose a New Plan: Select a lower-tier plan from the options.

  8. Confirm Downgrade: Review the changes and limitations, then click "Confirm" to proceed.

Important Notes

  • Deferred Changes: Plan downgrades take effect at the end of your current subscription term.

  • Billing Adjustments: Billing changes will be applied in the next billing cycle after your current subscription term.

  • Impact on Operations: Downgrading a plan may effect integrations, workflows, or APIs you have deployed that use features from your existing plan that are not supported on a lower plan.

  • Role Requirements: Ensure your role allows billing changes.

Next Steps