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Web Applications in Martini

Martini includes an embedded instance of Tomcat, enabling it to handle HTTP requests. This includes SOAP and RESTful APIs, as well as the ability for Martini packages to serve their own web applications.

Web Application Deployment

If a Martini package contains a web directory, it is automatically scanned and added to Tomcat during package start-up, functioning as a web application.

The web directory does not exist by default. To create a new web inside your package, right click your package from the [Navigator][quick-start-ui] and then select New > Folder. Your package must be in a [loaded][package-state] to allow this action.

Once a Martini package's web directory exists, even if it's empty, Martini will treat that package as a separate web application.

Lifecycle of Web Applications in Packages

The lifecycle of the package's web context is tied to the package itself. Starting or stopping a package also initiates or halts its associated web context in Tomcat.

Web File Support

Martini supports the creation and editing of HTML, CSS, and JS files.