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Martini Webpage Templates Overview

Introduction to Webpage Templates in Martini

Martini's Web Page template engine is a sophisticated tool for creating dynamic web pages. This HTML templating engine enables developers to generate web pages that dynamically reference and display various data properties and elements.

Key Features

  • Dynamic Content Generation: The primary function of the Web Page template engine is to produce dynamic, interactive web pages. These pages can adapt their content based on different conditions and inputs.
  • Seamless Data Integration: A notable aspect of this templating engine is its ability to seamlessly integrate and utilize different data properties, making it a versatile tool for web development.

Template Composition

  • File Extension: Web Page template files are identified by the .gtpl file extension.
  • Editor Interface: When a .gtpl file is opened, the user is presented with the Web Page template editor, a dedicated interface for managing these templates.
  • Structure: Each Web Page template is composed of a series of steps. Unlike traditional data output methods, these steps are designed to collectively create a graphical user interface in the form of an HTML document.

Specialized Steps

  • Exclusive Step Types: Web Page templates can include not only standard service steps but also two exclusive types of steps: the tag step and the invoke template step. These are key in building the structure of the web page.
  • HTML DOM Construction: The data from these specialized steps is used to construct the HTML Document Object Model (DOM), facilitating the creation of web pages for those familiar with HTML and data integration principles.