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Martini Injecting Webpage Templates


Injecting additional elements into existing Web Page templates is a key feature in Martini, allowing for dynamic content creation and modular design. This is especially useful when you want to augment a referenced Web Page template with extra elements.

Concept of Template Injection

To facilitate template injection, Martini utilizes a special tag step within the Web Page template. This step acts as a designated container for the elements you wish to inject.


  • The referenced Web Page template must contain a uniquely labeled tag step.
  • There should be only one such tag in a template to ensure proper functionality.

Steps for Injecting Templates

  1. Identify or Create the Tag Step: Ensure that the target Web Page template includes a tag step at the desired injection point. If it's not present, you need to create one.

  2. Injecting Elements: In the process of invoking the template, specify the elements to be injected within this tag step.

Examples and Placeholders

To better understand the process of injecting templates in Martini, let's explore some practical examples. These examples will demonstrate injecting various elements, such as text, images, or custom components, into a Web Page template.

Example 1: Injecting Text

Code Snippet:

<!-- Placeholder for code snippet demonstrating text injection -->


This example shows how to inject a simple text element into the designated tag step of the referenced template.

Example 2: Injecting an Image

Code Snippet:

<!-- Placeholder for code snippet demonstrating image injection -->


Here, we demonstrate how to inject an image element, showcasing handling of media within templates.

Example 3: Injecting a Custom Component

Code Snippet:

<!-- Placeholder for code snippet demonstrating custom component injection -->


This example illustrates injecting a custom-designed component, highlighting the versatility of template injection in Martini.