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Martini Debugging Webpage Templates

Debugging a Web Page template in Martini involves a process similar to running the template, with additional capabilities to pause and resume the web page rendering at designated points. This functionality is essential for analyzing your template in detail, allowing for quicker identification and resolution of issues. During debugging, variables and the incremental rendering of web content can be examined at each breakpoint.

Debugging a Web Page Template with the Services Debugger

Martini's Web Page templates use the same debugger as services. To debug a Web Page template, you'll need to engage the services debugger. There are multiple approaches to initiate debugging:

  • Using the context menu from the Navigator;
  • Using the context menu from the step editor;
  • Utilizing the toolbar in the step editor;
  • Employing the shortcut key mod+F11 for debugging.

Previewing the Rendered Web Page While Debugging

Like running a Web Page template, you can preview the rendered web page in a browser during debugging. By pausing the execution manually or with breakpoints, you can observe your template's generation in a granular, step-by-step fashion.