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Martini Services Tracker Resubmitting Transactions

Martini's Tracker is a powerful tool designed to log and index the requests, responses, and endpoint invocations processed by your Martini applications. Utilizing a Solr-based indexing system, Tracker facilitates comprehensive search capabilities, essential for auditing, reporting, and troubleshooting operations within your integration environment. However, there are occasions when the Tracker search index may fall out of sync, become corrupted, or even be accidentally deleted. This documentation outlines the steps to effectively rebuild the Tracker search index, ensuring your system's resilience and reliability.

Importance of Rebuilding the Tracker Search Index

Rebuilding the Tracker search index is a critical operation that may be required under several circumstances:

  • Data Synchronization Issues: Ensures that all transactions are accurately reflected in the search index, maintaining the integrity of your audit trails and reports.
  • Corruption Recovery: Restores the index in the event of corruption, safeguarding against data loss.
  • Selective Indexing: Allows for the customization of the data footprint within the index, either by limiting the indexed data to a specific date range or by performing a full index refresh.


Rebuilding the Tracker search index is an operation that can only be initiated through the Martini Runtime Admin UI, available in the Runtime Edition of Martini. It is imperative to ensure a stable and uninterrupted connection to the Tracker database throughout the rebuilding process.


Step 1: Initiating the Rebuild Process

  1. Navigate to the Configuration menu within the Martini Runtime Admin UI.
  2. Hover over the menu to reveal the sub-menu options.
  3. Select Rebuild Tracker Index to access the rebuild options.

Step 2: Choosing the Rebuild Type

  • Full Rebuild: Select this option to regenerate the entire index. This process includes every entry from the inception of data logging to the current state.
  • Partial Rebuild: Opt for this option if you wish to index data within a specific date range. Specify the Start Date and End Date to limit the scope of the rebuild.

Step 3: Executing the Rebuild

  • Click the Rebuild button to start the process.
  • Monitor the progress. Depending on the amount of data and the performance of your Solr server(s), the duration of this operation may vary.

Configuration and Optimization

To enhance the efficiency of the rebuilding process, consider adjusting the following application properties:

  • solr.reindexing.batch-size: Determines the volume of records to be processed in a single batch.
  • solr.reindex.batch.thread: Sets the number of threads to concurrently execute the fetching and reindexing tasks.