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Martini Services Groovy Editor

In Martini, the Groovy service editor is designed for the development of Groovy services. This editor, activated when opening a .groovy file, offers features like syntax highlighting, line numbering, and content-assist, which are essential for efficiently writing Groovy services.

Features of the Groovy Editor

The Groovy editor in Martini comes equipped with advanced features to enhance your development experience:

  • Annotations Support: The editor allows for the addition of annotations to Groovy services, enabling you to provide additional metadata that enhances functionality.
  • Integrated Input/Output View: The editor includes an Input/Output view for annotating method parameters and return types directly, streamlining the development process.

Working with Method Parameters

  • Editing Parameters: When editing inputs and outputs in the Input/Output view with the cursor inside a method, the editor will automatically update and optimize your code, including formatting and imports. The method should be marked as public and static.
  • Visual Representation: Parameters and return types are graphically represented in the Input/Output view, becoming visible when your cursor is positioned on a method's signature.

Illustration: Adding inputs and outputs in the Groovy service editor

Illustration Placeholder

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Illustration: Display of parameters and return type in the Input/Output view

Illustration Placeholder

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Additional Properties

  • Properties View: This view allows you to add extra properties to the inputs or return values of a method, enhancing the capabilities provided by the editor.


The content-assist feature in Martini offers contextual code completion based on your caret's current position. It can be triggered with a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Space), further enhancing your efficiency in coding.