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Martini User Group Functions

The UserGroup class plays a pivotal role in managing users and groups within the Martini integration platform. This document outlines the various functions available in the UserGroup class, designed to facilitate the creation, retrieval, modification, and deletion of user and group entities.

Function Overview

Creating Users and Groups

  • Create User: This function allows for the creation of new user accounts. It requires specific user details including username, password, and optionally, associated group information.
  • Create Group: Facilitates the creation of new groups. It takes group names and descriptions as input.

Fetching and Checking Users and Groups

  • Fetch User: Retrieves details of a specific user, including group affiliations and permissions.
  • Fetch Group: Obtains information about a specific group, such as member lists and associated permissions.
  • Check Existence: A utility function to quickly verify the existence of a user or group in the system.

Updating Users and Groups

  • Update User: Allows for the modification of user details, such as passwords, group memberships, and permissions.
  • Update Group: Enables updates to group details, including renaming the group or changing its description.

Removing Users and Groups

  • Remove User: Permanently deletes a user account from the system.
  • Remove Group: Eliminates a group and optionally reassigns or removes its members.


  • These functions are designed for use within the context of the Martini platform and adhere to its security and data management protocols.
  • While using these functions, ensure that appropriate permissions are granted to avoid unauthorized access or modifications.