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Martini Service Functions

Martini's platform facilitates the creation and management of services within its environment. This section details the functionality and usage of services in Martini.


In Martini, a service represents a functional unit that can be invoked to perform specific tasks. Services are key components in developing integrations and applications.

Querying the Service Registry

Martini's ServiceRegistry is crucial for interacting with available services. It enables users to query and obtain essential information about services registered within the platform.

Example: Querying a Service

Consider a scenario where you need to query the service registry for a specific service, let's say apis.restApi.HelloYou. The objective is to obtain a URI object which can be utilized to service a request against this service. Once the URI is retrieved, it can be printed to the console for verification or logging purposes.

The steps involved include:

  1. Accessing the ServiceRegistry.
  2. Querying for the apis.restApi.HelloYou service.
  3. Retrieving the URI object associated with this service.
  4. Printing the URI to the console.