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Martini Services Creating & Deleting

Creating Services

Step 1: Initiation

  • Begin by navigating to the appropriate section within the Martini Dashboard where services are managed.
  • Click the + icon, then select Service from the dropdown menu to initiate the creation of a new service.

Step 2: Service Configuration

  • Enter the essential details for your new service. This includes:
  • Name: Provide a unique name for your service. This name will be used to identify the service within the Martini platform.
  • Path: Specify the path where the service will be located. This path is used to organize and access the service within your Martini environment.

Alternative Methods for Creating Services

  • Importing Service Definitions: Martini supports importing service definitions, allowing for the integration of services developed externally or pre-defined templates.

Deleting Services

Step 1: Service Selection

  • Access the service management interface within the Martini Dashboard.
  • Use the provided search and filtering tools to find the service you intend to delete.

Step 2: Confirm Deletion

  • In the navigator, right-click the service you wish to remove from your environment.
  • Select Delete from the context menu to initiate the deletion process.
  • You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.

Before Deleting a Service

  • Check Dependencies: Verify that no other components or services rely on the service you plan to delete.
  • Backup Considerations: If there's a possibility you might need to restore the service, consider exporting or backing up its configuration before deletion.