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Martini Package Metadata

Martini packages are designed to be customizable to meet a variety of organizational application needs. Each package includes meta-fields which are essential for identifying, documenting, and configuring package behavior during runtime.



  • Description: Serves as a unique identifier for the package within an instance. It is required at the time of creation and cannot be altered later.
  • Restrictions: The name can only include alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores.
  • Naming Conventions: There are specific terms that cannot be used for naming a package. Detailed guidelines are provided for naming packages.

Marketplace ID

  • Purpose: This identifier is used for packages that are uploaded to the TORO Marketplace, facilitating their unique identification.


  • Function: Helps in distinguishing between different versions of the same package.

Documentation Page

  • Description: This field contains the URL of the package's documentation, providing a reference point for users.


  • Role: Lists other packages required for the current package’s operation.
  • Behavior: Dependencies must be present for a package to reach the 'LOADED' state. Changes in dependencies require a reload of the package to take effect.
  • Versioning: The versioning of dependencies follows Apache Maven's version requirement syntax.
  • Constraint: Circular dependencies are not allowed.

State on Startup

  • Definition: Specifies the default state of the package when Martini starts up.

Startup Services

  • Function: Lists services that are automatically executed when the package is started.

Shutdown Services

  • Function: Enumerates services that are called upon when the package is stopped.

Spring Context Files

  • Format: Details the Spring configuration files in XML format used by the package.

Configuration Procedure

The configuration of these meta-fields is typically done through the Package configuration editor:

  1. Ensure that the package is not running before starting the configuration process.
  2. Open the configuration editor for the package you wish to configure.
  3. Make the necessary changes to the package properties as per your requirements.
  4. Save your changes to apply them.

Configuration Tips

  • Service Specification: Services can be specified for startup and shutdown by selecting them from the available options. Only services that meet the criteria for startup or shutdown services will be applicable.