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Importing and Exporting Martini Packages

This section explains how to import and export Martini packages, enabling the sharing of applications, services, and APIs within or across different Martini instances.

Exporting Martini Packages

Exporting Martini packages allows for easy distribution and sharing of packages as ZIP files or through the team workspace.

To the File System

  1. Select Packages: In the Navigator view, select the package(s) you wish to export.
  2. Initiate Export: Right-click on the selected package(s) and select Export > Package to File from the context menu.
  3. Configure Export Settings: Confirm the packages to be exported and decide whether to include package properties.
  4. Finish Export: Click Export to close the Export Martini Package wizard.
  5. Nominate Directory: Nominate the filename and directory to save the exported package(s).


  • Manual Exports: Packages can also be manually exported by compressing their respective directories on the file system.

Importing Martini Packages

Martini packages, exported as ZIP files, can be imported into Martini. These ZIP files may contain one or more packages.

From the File System

  1. Launch the Package Import Wizard: Right-click in Martini Designer's navigator, and select Import > Package from File.
  2. Provide Import Details:
    • Package: Choose the ZIP file containing the package(s).
    • State on Import: Set the desired state of the package(s) post-import.
    • Replace Existing: Decide whether to overwrite any existing packages with the same name.
  3. Complete the Process: Click Import to start importing the package(s).