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Creating / Deleting Packages in Martini

Martini enables streamlined creation and deletion of packages, essential for managing your projects. This section guides you through the straightforward processes to create new packages for your applications and delete them when they are no longer needed, ensuring efficient management of your resources in Martini.

Creating a Martini Package

This section guides you through the process of creating a Martini package from scratch, which is essential for beginning integration work with Martini.

Steps to Create a Package

  1. Initiate Package Creation:

    • Navigate to your Martini instance and begin the process to create a new Martini Package.
    • Note: If you change your mind about the target instance, you can select a different one later in the process.
  2. Fill in Package Details:

    • In the package creation wizard, you may need to:
    • Confirm or select the instance where the package will be created.
    • Specify the name of your package, ensuring it is valid and unique within the instance.
    • Enter the marketplace ID for your package, such as
    • Define the version of your package.
    • Decide whether to start the package immediately upon creation.
    • Complete the wizard by clicking Finish.


Deleting Martini Packages

Deleting a Martini package is an irreversible action that removes all of its contents and associated applications from the instance.

Steps to Delete a Package

  1. Prepare for Deletion:

    • Ensure that the package(s) you want to delete are stopped and not in use.
    • Select the package(s) you intend to delete in the interface.
  2. Execute Deletion:

    • Right-click on the selected package(s).
    • Choose the Delete option from the context menu.
    • Confirm your decision to permanently delete the package(s).


  • Be cautious when deleting a package, as it permanently removes all associated applications and could impact other components that depend on it.
