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Martini Core Package

The core package is a foundational component of the Martini platform, responsible for running vital system processes and configurations. It's an always-active system package, essential for the instance's functionality. Unique in its nature, the core package cannot be imported or exported, and its state is only altered during instance shutdown or startup. Additionally, it does not contribute to any package count limits set by licensing.

Core Endpoints

Martini's core functionality hinges on various built-in endpoints. These are crucial for managing essential functions such as message processing and resource monitoring. You have the ability to start, stop, and modify these endpoints, but caution is advised due to their critical role in the platform's operation.

Name Type Description
resource-sampler Scheduler endpoint Updates the system resources for administrative interfaces.
tracker-index-listener JMS listener endpoint Indexes tracking documents for search and analysis.
tracker-listener JMS listener endpoint Archives tracking documents in the database.


Altering these endpoints can affect Martini's functionality. Ensure correct configuration to maintain system stability.

Core Services

The services directory of the core package contains essential functions for the Martini platform. These services address a variety of operational requirements and are designed for system-wide application.

Core Configuration Files

Configuration of the Martini instance is managed through files within the core package's conf directory. These files are pivotal for controlling instance properties and operational settings.

Name Description Manages instance-related properties.
trackers.xml Configures tracking and logging operations.
trackers.xsd XML schema definition for tracker configurations.

Core Models

The models directory contains structural models essential for various system functions. These models form the backbone for both core and custom operations within Martini.