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Martini Project Packages

Martini empowers developers by providing a robust and flexible platform for addressing application requirements. With deployability in mind, the platform revolves around packages for composing logically-coherent applications that can be deployed and distributed in seconds.

Martini packages are used to organize related application components. In fact, it is required for an application component to belong to a package. In this context, an application component is any element used to build applications. They can be, but are not limited to, any of the following:

Because of the structure and design of packages, it is easy to deploy applications from one server to another.

You will be able to see all the packages in your instance via the Navigator view. By default, these panels are located on the left side of Martini.

Expanding and collapsing the items in the tree should allow you to view or hide the contents of nodes.

To perform actions on your package, do a right click on the package to display the context menu. From this menu, you may select any action you want to perform. The actions you may be able to do select depend on the status of your package.