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Martini HTTP Functions

Martini offers robust HTTP functions, simplifying the creation and transmission of HTTP requests. These functions are available in the Http class, providing extensive features for HTTP requests:


  • Configuration options for headers, cookies, redirect behavior, and timeouts.
  • Automatic conversion between various data formats (JSON, XML, YAML) and Martini data models.
  • Support for multiple authentication methods (Basic, OAuth1, OAuth2, Hawk, AWS4).
  • Integrated tracking of request and response data for logging in Martini's Tracker.

Service Generation:

Utilize Martini Desktop's "Export as Service" feature within the HTTP Client to transform HTTP requests into reusable services. This feature allows you to construct, test, and export HTTP requests as services with associated request and response models.


For Groovy-based implementations, prefer using HttpClientFunctions over these HTTP functions.

Logging HTTP Traffic:

Martini's HTTP client, built on Apache HttpComponents, allows detailed traffic logging. Set the logging level of org.apache.http.wire to DEBUG to view traffic logs in the Martini console.

io.toro.martini.Http.http(...) Function:

This function handles RESTful HTTP requests.


Property Type Description
request GloopModel, io.toro.martini.http.Request Details of the HTTP request.
auth GloopModel, io.toro.martini.http.Auth Authentication information for the request.
returnAs String Response return type (InputStream, String, byte[], GloopObject).
responseType String Response content type (XML, JSON, Auto-detect).
throwHttpExceptions Boolean Whether to throw an exception for 5xx HTTP responses.
trackable GloopModel, io.toro.martini.tracker.Trackable Tracking options for the call.

Return Value:

Returns a io.toro.martini.http.Response Gloop model with the server's response data.


Requires at least function and uri parameters in the request.

io.toro.martini.Http.soap(...) Function:

For sending SOAP requests.


Property Type Description
url String URL of the SOAP web service.
auth GloopModel, io.toro.martini.http.Auth Authentication info for the request.
soapAction String Name of the SOAP action.
style String SOAP request style (document or RPC).
soapProtocol String SOAP version.
messageHeader GloopModel SOAP message header data.
messageBody GloopModel SOAP message body.
trackable GloopModel, io.toro.martini.tracker.Trackable Tracking options for the call.

Return Value:

Returns a io.toro.martini.http.Response Gloop model with response data.

Required Properties:

Requires url and soapAction properties for successful request sending.