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Martini RabbitMQ Message Broker

RabbitMQ serves as a pivotal messaging broker, leveraging the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) to facilitate the seamless exchange of messages. While RabbitMQ itself is not inherently compliant with the Java Message Service (JMS) API, it offers compatibility through its JMS topic exchange plugin and the JMS client libraries. Martini harnesses these tools to establish connectivity with RabbitMQ, enabling robust message brokering capabilities.


It's important to acknowledge that the RabbitMQ JMS client currently does not offer a full implementation of the JMS API. This partial support may lead to connection issues or messages not being delivered as expected. Given these constraints, Martini defaults to utilizing an in-memory broker for handling WebSocket messages, thereby excluding RabbitMQ from WebSocket message routing.


To integrate RabbitMQ with Martini, ensure the following components are in place:

  • RabbitMQ Topic Exchange Plugin: This plugin is bundled with RabbitMQ but requires manual activation via the command:

    rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_jms_topic_exchange
    Activation is immediate, and no broker restart is necessary.

  • RabbitMQ Management Plugin: Essential for the Martini runtime to fetch destination names.

  • RabbitMQ JMS Client Library (v2.6.0): Provides the necessary JMS API implementation. The JAR file can be obtained here.

  • RabbitMQ Java Client Library (v5.16.0): A prerequisite for the JMS client library, facilitating Java application interactions with RabbitMQ. The JAR file is available for download here.

After acquiring the libraries, place them in the <martini-home>/lib/ext/ directory.

Configuration Steps

  1. Modify the Configuration File: Locate the RabbitMQ JMS client configuration at <martini-home>/conf/broker/rabbitmq.xml. Update the uri property to match your RabbitMQ server credentials and address, following the format amqp://{username}:{password}@{broker-ip-address}:{port}.

  2. Apply the Configuration: Martini defaults to an embedded ActiveMQ instance. To switch to RabbitMQ, edit <martini-home>/data/ and update or add:


  3. Restart Martini: For the changes to take effect, restart your Martini instance.

Upon successful configuration, Martini should connect to RabbitMQ without issues. The connection status can be verified through the RabbitMQ management plugin under the Connections tab.

Note on JMS and AMQP Messages

While the JMS Client for RabbitMQ bridges JMS applications to RabbitMQ using the JMS 1.1 specification atop the RabbitMQ Java client, handling AMQP-formatted messages necessitates additional considerations. It is advisable to consult the RabbitMQ documentation for detailed insights on JMS client compatibility prior to undertaking integrations.

Martini's runtime is adept at both publishing and receiving JMS messages. However, special measures are required for dealing with AMQP message formats, underscoring the importance of thorough preparation and understanding of RabbitMQ's capabilities and limitations.

Defining AMQP Destinations


The functionality of RabbitMQ is influenced by the message format—JMS or AMQP—used. It's critical to ensure consistency in the messaging format across all RabbitMQ clients to allow successful publishing and subscribing to the same RabbitMQ destination.

Martini runtime requires specific parameters to be set for interacting with an AMQP queue. Below is a table summarizing these parameters:

Parameter Default Value Description
amqp false Set to true to enable AMQP format.
exchangeName Default RabbitMQ exchange The name of the exchange to which messages are sent. Necessary for sending AMQP messages. Specifying this, even if empty, sets amqp to true internally if not already set.
routingKey Queue/Topic destination name The routing key for the message. Required for sending AMQP messages. Specifying this sets amqp to true internally if not explicitly set.

Example Destination String for AMQP


This destination string format is critical for configuring JMS listener endpoints or JMSFunction for AMQP message handling.

Sending and Receiving AMQP Messages

Sending AMQP Messages

To send an AMQP message, the amqp parameter must be set to true in the destination string. If exchangeName and routingKey are not specified, they will assume default values.

In Martini Desktop and Martini Online, selecting an AMQP destination via the GUI will automatically populate exchangeName and routingKey with their default values. For custom settings, a service using JMSFunction must be created with the destination name including the required parameters.

Note: Sending an AMQP-formatted message to a JMS queue may lead to deserialization issues, especially if the queue bindings involve jms.durable.queues exchange.

Receiving AMQP Messages

Configuring a JMS listener endpoint to receive AMQP messages involves setting the amqp parameter to true in the destination. AMQP messages can be received as either BytesMessage or TextMessage, depending on whether the AMQP sender included a JMSType=TextMessage header.

JMS Incompatibility

A JMS Listener endpoint set to listen to an AMQP queue will not successfully deserialize messages originating from a JMS client, due to the inherent differences in message formatting between JMS and AMQP protocols.

JMS Message Handling in RabbitMQ

Queue Operations

Sending to a Queue

When sending a JMS message to a RabbitMQ queue, the destination is automatically created if it does not exist. However, if the destination queue already exists, ensure it is configured with the following settings to avoid failures:

Config Name Expected Value
Queue Type classic
Durability Durable
Auto Delete true

Failure to meet these configurations results in a PRECONDITION_FAILED error in the Martini Runtime logs.

Receiving from a Queue

JMS messages are received seamlessly. However, AMQP messages require the destination's amqp parameter to be set to true for proper deserialization. An incorrect configuration will result in the following error:

31/10/22 08:45:55.501 WARN  [DefaultMessageListenerContainer] Setup of JMS message listener invoker failed for destination 'queue://com.jms.Queue' - trying to recover. Cause: invalid stream header: 65617265

Topic Operations

Sending to a Topic

Unlike queues, topics in RabbitMQ are not created upon message sending but through subscription, i.e., creating a JMS listener endpoint. Topics are assigned auto-generated names like jms-cons-{UUID} and not registered under the destination name in RabbitMQ. Sending messages to a topic is straightforward and does not require specific configurations.

Receiving from a Topic

Receiving JMS messages via a listener operates smoothly. However, similar to queue operations, receiving AMQP messages without setting the amqp parameter to true leads to deserialization errors, indicated by an error log matching the one shown for queue operations.


  • AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) is a standard protocol for asynchronous messaging, supporting a wide range of messaging applications and designed for high-performance messaging.

  • JMS (Java Message Service) provides a common way for Java applications to create, send, receive, and read messages, enabling communication between different components of a distributed application.