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Martini ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker


Apache ActiveMQ Artemis is a robust message broker that evolved from JBoss' HornetQ. It offers a non-blocking architecture for superior performance, supports flexible clustering and high availability, and is compatible with multiple protocols. Moreover, it adheres to the Java Message Service (JMS) 1 API standards, ensuring seamless integration with Martini.


To integrate ActiveMQ Artemis with Martini, you must first add its JMS client library to Martini. This library is available for download from the Maven Repository. Once obtained, the ActiveMQ Artemis JAR file should be placed in the <martini-home>/lib/ext/ directory.

Configuration Steps

Step 1: Modify the Configuration File

Martini's connection settings for ActiveMQ Artemis are specified in the artemis-external.xml configuration file, located in <martini-home>/conf/broker/. You'll need to edit this file to update the uri, username, and password fields to match your ActiveMQ Artemis setup.

Step 2: Activate the Configuration

By default, Martini operates with an embedded ActiveMQ instance. To switch to using ActiveMQ Artemis, adjust the jms.configuration-file property within the <martini-home>/data/ file as follows:


Step 3: Restart Martini

For the new configuration to take effect, restart your Martini instance. Post-restart, Martini should successfully connect to ActiveMQ Artemis. Confirm this by checking the management console under the "Connections" tab.


JMS is an API that facilitates messaging between Java applications and other messaging systems, ensuring interoperability and flexibility in your integration architecture.