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Martini Data Integration NoSQL Database Connection

To establish a connection to a SQL database in Martini, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Database Connections:

    • Access the Database Connections section in your Martini interface.
  2. Add New Connection:

    • Select the option to add a new Martini Database connection.
    • Provide a descriptive name for the connection.
    • Choose "SQL" or "Relational" as the database type.
  3. Enter Connection Details:

    • Fill in the required information in the form that appears.
    • Specify the connection details such as host, port, database name, username, and password.
  4. Save Changes:

    • After entering the necessary details, save your changes.

Removing a SQL Database Connection

To remove an existing SQL database connection in Martini, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the Database Connection:

    • If the SQL database connection is currently active, stop it before proceeding with the removal process.
  2. Delete the Connection:

    • Right-click on the SQL database connection that you want to remove.
    • From the context menu that appears, select the "Delete" option.

SQL Database Connection Status

The status of an SQL database connection in Martini is determined by whether it is started or stopped. This status can be configured through the user interface or functions from DatabaseConnectionPool. Certain actions are only available depending on the current status of the connection.

Status Types

The following are the different possible connection statuses:

  • STARTED: Indicates that there is an established connection between Martini and the SQL database. This status is represented by a green badge in Martini, indicating that the connection is active and ready to use.

  • STOPPED: Indicates that there is no established connection between Martini and the SQL database. This status is represented by a red badge in Martini, indicating that the connection is inactive.


To manage the status of an SQL database connection, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the SQL database connection.
  2. Select "Start" or "Stop" from the context menu to respectively initiate or terminate the connection.

You can also manage multiple SQL database connections simultaneously by using the appropriate keyboard shortcuts (e.g., Ctrl or Shift).

Disabling Auto Start

By default, Martini automatically starts all packages, endpoints, and database connections upon startup. However, you can configure SQL database connections to disable this behavior:

  • Set the Auto Start property to false or uncheck it in the connection configuration form.