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Martini Data Integration NoSQL Database Connection

In Martini, connecting to NoSQL databases is streamlined through a simple process. This section outlines the steps to add a new NoSQL database connection to your integration project.

Adding a NoSQL Database Connection

To add a new NoSQL database connection in Martini, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Database Node:

    • In the Navigator view, locate and right-click on the "Databases" node of the instance where you want to add the database connection.
  2. Select New Martini Database:

    • Choose the option to create a new Martini Database connection.
  3. Provide Connection Details:

    • Enter a name for your connection to identify it within Martini.
    • Select the type of NoSQL database you wish to connect to. Martini supports various NoSQL databases including MongoDB, Cassandra, DynamoDB, and Redis.
  4. Enter Connection Information:

    • Populate the form with the necessary connection information specific to your chosen NoSQL database.
    • This may include details such as host, port, authentication credentials, and other relevant settings required to establish the connection.
  5. Test Connectivity (Optional but Recommended):

    • Although not mandatory, it is advisable to test the connectivity to the database before saving your changes.
    • This ensures that the connection can be established successfully without errors.
  6. Save Changes:

    • Once you have provided all the required information and tested the connection (if applicable), save your changes by pressing the appropriate save command.

Additional Notes:

  • Martini supports a range of NoSQL databases, enabling developers to seamlessly integrate with their preferred data storage solutions.
  • Testing database connections before saving changes helps in identifying any connectivity issues early in the configuration process, ensuring smoother integration workflows.

Removing a NoSQL Database Connection

In Martini, removing an existing NoSQL database connection is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to remove a NoSQL database connection from your integration project.

Steps to Remove a NoSQL Database Connection

  1. Stop the Database Connection (If Active):

    • Before removing the NoSQL database connection, ensure that it is stopped if it's currently active.
    • This prevents any ongoing processes or transactions from being disrupted during the removal process.
  2. Access NoSQL Database Connection Options:

    • Navigate to the Navigator view and locate the NoSQL database connection that you wish to remove.
  3. Select Delete Option:

    • Right-click on the NoSQL database connection, then choose the "Delete" option from the context menu to initiate the removal process.

Additional Notes:

  • Ensure that the NoSQL database connection is no longer needed before removing it, as this action is irreversible.
  • Removing a NoSQL database connection will also remove any associated configurations or mappings linked to that connection.
  • It's good practice to verify that there are no active integrations or workflows relying on the connection being removed.

NoSQL Database Connection Status

Managing the status of NoSQL database connections in Martini is crucial for ensuring seamless integration processes. This section outlines the different status types and how to configure them for NoSQL database connections.

Status Types

Martini categorizes NoSQL database connection statuses into two primary types:


    • Indicates an established connection between Martini and the NoSQL database.
    • Represented by a green badge in Martini Desktop and Online, signifying active connectivity.

    • Indicates no established connection between Martini and the NoSQL database.
    • Represented by a red badge in Martini Desktop and Online, indicating inactive connectivity.


To manage the status of a NoSQL database connection, follow these steps:

  1. Start or Stop a Connection:

    • Right-click on the NoSQL database connection node in the Navigator view.
    • Choose the "Start" or "Stop" option from the context menu to initiate the desired action.
    • Multiple NoSQL database connections can be started or stopped simultaneously by holding down the appropriate modifier keys while selecting the connection nodes.
  2. Verification:

    • Confirm successful connection initiation by observing the appearance of a green badge on the database icon for started connections.
    • Conversely, stopped connections are indicated by a red badge on the database icon.

Disabling Auto Start

To prevent NoSQL database connections from automatically starting upon Martini startup:

  1. Configure Auto Start Property:

    • Access the properties of the NoSQL database connection.
    • Set the "Auto Start" property to false or uncheck the corresponding checkbox in the configuration form.
  2. Verification:

    • Once configured, NoSQL database connections will refrain from automatic startup upon Martini startup.
    • This configuration can be visually confirmed by the absence of the green badge on the database connection icon.