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Martini Data Models Import/Export

Martini provides versatile options for importing and exporting data models, supporting multiple file formats and sources. This flexibility allows developers to seamlessly integrate Martini with various data structures and formats.

Importing Data Models

Importing Multiple Models

Import multiple data model files into Martini by dropping them into a package's code folder in the Navigator view.

From a JSON String or File

To import a data model from a JSON string or file: - Import directly from a JSON string, a file, or a URL that returns JSON data. Use the Import button beneath the text area to specify the source. - Paste the JSON string into the provided text area.

From a JSON Schema

For importing a data model from a JSON schema, specify the schema's location. You can enter its URL or browse to its location in the file system.

From an XML String or File

To import from an XML source: - Copy and paste the XML string into the text area. - Alternatively, provide the source as an XML file or a URL that returns XML data, using the Import button below the text area.

From an XML Schema

For XML schemas, specify the location of the schema. Provide its URL or navigate to its file system location.

From a YAML String or File

To import a YAML-based data model: - Copy and paste the YAML string into the text area. - Or, provide the source as a YAML file or a URL that returns YAML data. Use the Import button to specify the source.

Exporting Data Models

Martini facilitates the export of data models, allowing you to easily share, migrate, or backup your data structures. This feature supports various formats to accommodate different use cases and external systems.

Exporting a Single Data Model

To export an individual data model: 1. Navigate to the data model you wish to export within Martini. 2. Right-click on the model and select the 'Export' option. 3. Choose the desired format for the export (e.g., JSON, XML, YAML). 4. Specify the destination where you want to save the exported file. 5. Confirm the export. The data model will be saved in the selected format at the specified location.

Exporting Multiple Data Models

For exporting several data models at once: 1. Select the data models you want to export from the Navigator view. 2. Right-click on the selection and choose 'Export'. 3. In the export dialog, select the format for the exported models. 4. Choose the destination directory for the exported files. 5. Complete the export process. All selected data models will be exported to the chosen location in the specified format.

Exporting to Specific Formats

When exporting data models, Martini offers flexibility in terms of the file format. Depending on your requirements, you can export models in various formats like JSON, XML, YAML, etc. Each format may have specific options or settings that you can configure during the export process.

Tips for Exporting Data Models

  • Versioning: Keep track of different versions of your exported data models, especially if they are used in different environments or projects.
  • Backup: Regularly export and backup your data models to prevent data loss.
  • Documentation: If exporting for sharing purposes, consider including documentation or notes about the data model to assist other users.