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Martini Data Model Editor

The Data Model editor in Martini is a tool designed for the management of data model properties, including adding, removing, and editing. It works in tandem with the Properties view, which displays and allows for the configuration of meta-properties.

Opening a Data Model

To access the Data Model editor: - Double-click a .model file in the Navigator view. - Alternatively, select the file and press Enter.

Managing Properties

Adding Properties

Add properties to a Data Model using: - Toolbar: Click the green plus button and choose the property type. - Context Menu: Right-click on the model tree, select 'Add', then pick the property type. - Keyboard Shortcuts and Content-Assist: Utilize documented shortcuts for efficiency.

Renaming Properties

Properties can be renamed by: - Context Menu: Right-click the property and select 'Rename'. - Properties View: Alter the 'Name' property in the Properties view. - Keyboard Shortcuts: Use F2 or Enter for quick renaming.

Deleting Properties

To delete a property: - Toolbar: After selecting properties, click the red 'x' button. - Context Menu: Right-click and select 'Delete'. - Keyboard Shortcuts: Select the properties and press Delete.

Advanced Property Management

Incorporating Referenced Data Models

Add existing Data Models as properties using drag-and-drop or content-assist features.

Changing Property Types

Alter a property's type using the context menu; select 'Convert To' and choose the appropriate type.

Reordering Properties

Move properties with the toolbar, drag-and-drop, or keyboard shortcuts for optimal organization.

Commenting on Properties

Insert comments through the Properties view, using keyboard shortcuts, or via the toolbar.

Additional Features

  • Searching for Properties: Utilize the search bar in the toolbar for quick property location.
  • Viewing JSON/XML Representations: Access these formats via the 'Show JSON' or 'Show XML' buttons.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Access a comprehensive list of shortcuts for various commands. Customize them in the Preferences menu.

Important Notes

  • Properties of referenced Data Models are fixed, but their object properties are editable.
  • Limitations exist on modifying properties of nested Data Models.

Helpful Tips

  • Open a property’s referenced model using mod+enter.
  • Display all shortcuts with mod+H.

  1. Meta-properties are properties of a property.