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Martini Publishing APIs

Publishing Options

  1. Publish to Martini Runtime Instance

    • Package Upload: Deploy the package containing your API and any other dependent packages to the Martini Runtime instance.
    • Runtime Configuration: Ensure the Runtime instance is correctly configured to host and serve the API.
  2. Publish to an API Gateway

    • API Creation: Utilize the OpenAPI specification generated by Martini to create the API in your chosen API Gateway.
    • Pointing to Martini Runtime: Configure the API Gateway to route requests to the base URL of the Martini Runtime instance serving the API.

Option 1: Publishing to Martini Runtime Instance

  1. Package Preparation:

    • Package your API along with any dependencies in Martini.
    • Verify that all components are included and configured correctly.
  2. Uploading to Runtime:

    • Upload the package to your Martini Runtime instance.
    • Follow the instance-specific procedures for deployment and activation.
  3. Testing API Deployment:

    • Verify the API functionality by invoking the endpoints.
    • Use tools like Martini Designer's HTTP Client, Postman, or API Explorer for testing.

Option 2: Publishing to an API Gateway

  1. Generating OpenAPI Specification:

    • Use Martini to generate an OpenAPI specification for your API.
    • Ensure the specification accurately reflects your API's endpoints, parameters, and responses.
  2. API Gateway Configuration:

    • Create the API in your chosen API Gateway using the generated OpenAPI spec.
    • Configure routing, security policies, and other settings as needed in the API Gateway.
  3. Routing to Martini Runtime:

    • Point the API Gateway to the base URL of the Martini Runtime instance.
    • Ensure proper network connectivity and security configurations for seamless integration.
  4. Testing API Integration:

    • Test the API through the Gateway to ensure it is routing and functioning correctly.
    • Verify that responses from the Martini Runtime instance are accurate and timely.