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Sending HTTP Requests


Sending an HTTP request in Martini involves a straightforward procedure once you have configured your request to your satisfaction.

Sending the Request

  1. Locate the Send Button: After configuring your request, locate the 'Send' button. This is typically found on the left side of the URL text box in Martini's HTTP Client interface.

  2. Initiate the Request: Click on the 'Send' button to dispatch your HTTP request to the designated server.

Interpreting the Response

The server's response to your request is displayed in the HTTP Client's Response panel.

Components of the Response

  • Status Code and Message: Indicates the result of the request (e.g., 200 OK, 404 Not Found).
  • Headers: Key-value pairs providing additional information about the response.
  • Cookies: If applicable, cookies sent by the server.
  • Body: The main content of the response.

Response Panel Features

  • Execution Metrics: View the time taken to execute the request and the size of the response. Hover over these metrics for more details.
  • Body Tab: Options to preview or download the response. You can set the content type for proper syntax highlighting.


  • Text Data: For responses with raw text data like JSON or XML, the HTTP client displays up to 3 MB directly in the interface. Additional content is available for download.
  • Binary Content: For binary content like PNG, JPEG, or GIF files under 3 MB, the HTTP Client will display them directly. Larger or different file types will be available for download.