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Invoking Martini APIs


Martini's HTTP Client offers a powerful and flexible way to interact with APIs. This guide provides clear instructions on how to use the HTTP Client to run and invoke services within Martini. Whether directly executing a service or using HTTP for asynchronous operations, these steps ensure a straightforward and effective approach for developers leveraging Martini's capabilities.

Running a Service via the HTTP Client

To run a service using the HTTP Client in Martini:

  1. Service Selection:

    • Drag and drop the service file into the HTTP Client interface.
  2. Input Data and Authentication:

    • Depending on the specific service and the type of call you intend to make, populate the necessary input data.
    • Set the authentication parameters as required.
  3. Sending the Request:

    • Click the Send button to execute the service.

Invoking a Service Using HTTP

Services in Martini can also be invoked via HTTP. When executing a service through HTTP, concurrent steps are processed asynchronously.

To invoke a service via HTTP:

  1. Service Access:

    • In the Navigator view, right-click the target service.
  2. Invoke in Browser:

    • Select Invoke In Browser from the context menu.
  3. Input Arguments and Execution:

    • Martini will open a new browser tab or window displaying a form for the service's inputs.
    • Enter the required input arguments for your service.
    • Click the Invoke button at the bottom of the form to run your service.