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Configuring HTTP Requests in HTTP Client

HTTP Method

Choose the HTTP method for your request using the dropdown box near the URL text field. Supported methods include: - GET - POST - PUT - PATCH - DELETE - HEAD - OPTIONS - TRACE

Request URL

Enter the request URL in the adjacent text field. The HTTP Client validates URLs in real-time, displaying a red 'x' for invalid URLs. A properly formatted HTTP/S URL is essential.


Under the Parameters tab, manage both query and path parameters of your request. This tab displays three columns: Name, Value, and Description.

Adding and Removing Parameters

  • To add a query parameter, click the green '+' button or edit the URL directly.
  • Delete a parameter by selecting it and pressing the red 'x' button or the delete key.
  • Path parameters are added or removed by editing the URL.

Modifying Parameters

  • Double-click a cell to edit a parameter’s name, value, or description.
  • Press enter to submit changes or expand the text area with the '...' button.

Request Body

Configure the request payload in the Body tab. Select the type of request payload and specify the content. Supported content types include: - text/plain - form-data - application/json - application/xml - application/x-yaml - multipart/form-data - application/x-www-form-urlencoded - binary

Payload Types

  • form-data: Holds multiple key-value pairs, either text or binary.
  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded: Similar to form-data but accepts only text values.
  • Text payload: Configurable for various markup formats with syntax coloring.
  • Binary payload: Used for sending binary files.

Request Headers

Configure request headers, which are key-value pairs, under the Headers tab. Add a new header with the green '+' button, and remove one with the red 'x' button or delete key. Content-assist is available for header names and values.

Request Cookies

Manage request cookies, similar to headers, under the Cookies tab.


Configure authentication for secured services in the Authentication tab. Supported schemes include Basic, OAuth 1.0, OAuth 2.0, and Martini session authentication.

Authentication Types

  • Basic: Sends username:password in Base64-encoded format.
  • OAuth 1.0 and 2.0: Use tokens instead of passwords for authorization.
  • Martini session: Uses an active Martini session ID.

Using Mock Data

Automate data input using mock data. Specify fields to mock using variable references like [[variableName]]. Mock data can be used in various parts of the request, including parameters, headers, and body.