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Martini Services Enabling Tracker

The Tracker feature in Martini allows for efficient retrieval and monitoring of both inbound and outbound data logged to the Tracker search index. This documentation covers three primary methods to interact with the Tracker: through the user interface, via RESTful web services, and by utilizing functions directly within your code.

Using the User Interface

Viewing Tracker Documents

Martini offers a Tracker view accessible from the Martini Desktop's toolbar, Martini Online, and the Martini Runtime Admin web interface. This view lists all documents within the Tracker search index. Selections can be refined based on the Martini instance and updated results can be fetched through the refresh functionalities.

Viewing Document Details

Clicking on a document in the Tracker view opens its details in the Properties view, which is organized into four tabs:

  • Details Tab: Shows general document properties.
  • Properties Tab: Lists specific Tracker document properties.
  • States Tab: Displays the document's lifecycle states.
  • Logs Tab: Contains all log messages associated with the document.

Filtering Documents

  • Simple Filter: Use the search bar to find documents by matching field values.
  • Facet Filter: Employ facets for filtering by clicking the Quick Filter button and selecting values from the dropdowns.
  • Advanced Filter: For detailed searches, use the Advanced Filter form accessible via the Advanced (Filter) button.

Query Auto-complete

The Tracker search bar supports auto-complete to suggest values matching your query. This feature is deactivated by default to prevent performance issues. Enable it by editing the solrconfig.xml file for the tracker Solr core, specifically uncommenting and configuring the suggest_phrase components. Adjust the buildOnCommit property according to your performance preference.

Using RESTful Web Services

The Tracker search index is accessible and manageable via the Solr Search API. Use the following path parameters for your requests:

  • Package: core
  • Core: tracker

Example endpoint for querying the Tracker index:


Martini also exposes Tracker-specific endpoints in its REST API for ease of access.

Using Functions

Directly search for Tracker documents in your code using TrackerMethods.searchTracker(...) methods. For example, in Groovy:

SearchResult searchResult = TrackerMethods.searchTracker('query string')
List<Document> documents = searchResult.getResults()

Additionally, Groovy allows for syntactic sugar:

SearchResult searchResult = 'query string'.searchTracker()
List<Document> documents = searchResult.getResults()